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submission status req: botox-cosmetic-surgery.com

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Re: submission status req: botox-cosmetic-surgery.


I don't see you in the queue for that category, nor is there any indication that you have ever been there. Are you sure that's the category you submitted to?


Re: submission status req: botox-cosmetic-surgery.


i apoligize, perhaps that isnt the correct category. I believe I may have submitted it to http://dmoz.org/Health/Medicine/Surgery/Cosmetic_and_Plastic/Patient_Education/Face/ because there was no appropriate category for botox information. it really should be at the level of liposuction as a focused topic, not just under patient education, but I'm not sure how to go about initiating an entire new category.


Thank you for your time... again.

  • Meta

Re: submission status req: botox-cosmetic-surgery.


No submission of yours waiting there, too. Two possible reasons:


1) You submitted somewhere else

2) You received an error message while submitting.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



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