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I submitted this 2-3 weeks ago, I can't exactly remember when, and I have been waiting to see it listed. I sent an email to the editor to see what the status was, no reply. The forum on Webmastersworld recommended that I send you a line. Thanks for the help.




Re: http://www.premium2000.com/


I see it there in the queue waiting to be processed.


At first glance the site appears to me to be selling a 'miracle' engine additive, with the flimsy wrapper of a fake warranty wrapped round it. That fact that you give no details of the cover provided, but lots of promotional fluff about your patented 'hydrated boron' technology (see premium2000.com/BoronCLS.htm) makes it look like no real warranty is involved. The lack of any form of pricing would be another factor considered by any editor that looks at your site.


Should it turn out that you are merely pretending to offer warranties, and instead are selling the sort of miracle lubricant that the shysters at altboron.com are offering, you won't get a listing.


Please note that we don't care if a company is selling additives that are more likely to damage a vehicle's engine than protect it, that's not our concern. Your site will be evaluated entirely on its own merits, without reference to any of the numerous scientific studies that have denounced these sort of additives.


Re: http://www.premium2000.com/


I don't know where to begin in response to your post. I was not prepared for such animosity as a result of an initial inquiry. When I first heard about the Open Directory Project I knew there would be a problem with "Conflicts of Interest", but I had no idea that it would be so blatant with no pretense of legitimacy.


As the Vice President of Information Resources for this company, and President of a Consulting Company that is a Certified IBM and Lotus Business partner and someone that has worked in IT for 20 years I can assure you that this is not a fly by night organization.


Premium2000 Plus has been in business for eight years, is sold Nationwide by over 5000 New and Used Automotive dealers and we have over 300 Agents or Sales Representatives. In that time we have sold over 36,000 Warranties.


Previously our market was only through those distribution channels but I was hired to expand the Premium2000 Plus market to the internet, so I can understand your concern. My friends at WebMasterWorld have informed me that listing with ODP is one of the things that I should do and I am trying to be comprehensive. If there is a mistake in my listing I apologize and I will correct it.


The coverage is listed on the "Terms and Conditions" page which I didn't realize was so obscure. I'll be sure to change that (thanks for the suggestion). <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />


We do give quotes for our warranties. And our pricing is based on type of vehicle and the amount of coverage which is normal in our industry. You didn't see the quote page today because it was disabled temporarily for editing.


Also, I am aware of the websites of my competition, what they offer and their pricing (including many of the ones that are currently listed in the ODP. Yours perhaps?) and I feel that our Product and Warranty program is superior to theirs, and I'm willing to prove it.


I share your concerns that the automotive industry is filled with dubious characters that can't be trusted, selling unsuspecting customers a bill of goods or worthless scams etc. The only thing I have seen that comes close to this amount of unprofessionalism, criminal intent and shady dealings are web site developers.


Every endeavor that I have undertaken has always been completely legitimate and professionally done. So, I investigated the claims made by the company with regard to the Boron product (By the way, I have an under graduate degree in Engineering from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and have done some Graduate work in Engineering at NC State). This product is REAL and the information on the web site is TRUE. The product WAS developed for the US Space Program and IS Patented by the US Government. It DOES reduce Engine wear by 90% and I have DOCUMENTED PROOF by Argonne National Laboratories. And the product is backed by a 5 year/ 100,000 mile warranty and I will be happy to send you a copy of the research and Laboratory results. I would also like to read any "scientific studies" you may be able to produce where this product has been tested.


When our website comes up for review, I would be happy to produce any amount of documentation and supporting information that the editor deems necessary to make the proper decision.


If the US Government isn't legitimate enough for you, how can you possibly list anyone in this directory?


Kee Haskins

VP of Information Technology

Premium2000 Plus


Re: http://www.premium2000.com/


>> I was not prepared for such animosity as a result of an initial inquiry. <<


No animosity was intended. My intention was to inform you of the way in which an editor is going to see your site. Reading through some of the pages I got the very strong impression that it was selling the lubricant, rather than selling a warranty. Most warranty sales sites expound on how their warranty is more comprehensive and cheaper than the competition's. Your site focuses on how helpful the engine additive is going to be.



>> I can assure you that this is not a fly by night organization. <<


Your business sense and track record is not of any concern to us. We list sites based purely on what we can see on the site itself, taking no account of how 'legitimate' a business may or may not be.



>> You didn't see the quote page today because it was disabled temporarily for editing. <<


I'm sure you can appreciate that any editor failing to see that page (and indeed any customer) is likely to become supicious. I suggest you leave all of your pages online from now on so that a similar misunderstanding doesn't occur when an editor come to review your site.



>> I share your concerns that the automotive industry is filled with dubious characters that can't be trusted, selling unsuspecting customers a bill of goods or worthless scams etc. <<


Then I suggest you take a look at your own website, pretending that you know nothing about the company. Ask yourself "do I believe these people?", and "would I buy something from this site?". Try to be objective about it, and see if you can see why it might appear unusual in comparison to sites from other warranty suppliers.



I've just read kctipton's post, and realised that it's the end of a particularly difficult day. I should apologise for my cranky tone myself.


Re: http://www.premium2000.com/


Cranky tone aside, I have to say that the site also strikes me as being a site selling a product (the additive) that just happens to offer a warranty if you use the product. Given the other sites in the category you've chosen, I don't think the site quite fits there -- I'd say it's a better fit in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Vehicles/Parts_and_Accessories/Lubricants/Additives/ since that is the key part of the warranty you're offering.

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