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Hello Meta/Editor,


I have seen a few editors mention that in some categories(named the cat in the post), the backlog was quite high. Is there anyway to find out the backlog in a category? If so the category in question is below. If this is not the proper information too ask for I apologize in advance for wasting the ODP valuable time. I did apply and submit for this category so I am wonder what shape it is in at the moment. Thank You.





-down guy

(Lauren Miehe)


We used to give out that information, but no longer do, as it really does not mean anything. If there are 300 unreviewed in a category, ir won't help give you know anything, as an editor could go through that list in any order and at any speed. So he might do 10 reviews a day, and you could be done the first day or the thirtyith day.


Of there could be only two unreviewed, and you could either be the first or the last to be reviewed. but it won't help if he only does one review a year in that category.


Or you could be the only one waiting to be reviewed, and the editor decides he wants a break and quits, and no one else wants to edit that category.


Of there could be a hundred unreviewed and it's been that way for months, and no-one is editing that category, and we tell you that, and an hour later an editor decides to apply for that area, and does a blitz, and reviews them all over the weekend.

  • Meta

We can see that data, and we used to tell people: but we stopped, because invariably it was used to reach wrong conclusions and justify unconscionable actions.


Remember, editors are NEVER (1) restricted to reviewing submitted sites first, let alone only, (2) expected to review even submitted sites in any particular order, (3) required to review sites in any particular category at all.


And submitters may ALWAYS know that (1) the BEST thing they can do for a site is find the most appropriate category regardless of ancilliary irrelevant considerations (like number of editors, last changed date, or number of unreviewed sites already submitted there), so (2) you are always effectively competing for the editors' attention with every other site on the internet, submitted or not; (3) There's no predicting when an editor will choose to review a site, except that (4) the more competitive a category is, the less likely a site in that category can provide added value to a surfer, so that (5) editors tend to focus on under-represented categories where a single new site can make a significant difference.


So, you know how to use Google and look at the ODP category. How much competition is already out there? How easily would a user (and therefore a directory) get along without your site? How obvious is it (from your website's suggested description and home page alone) that your site has unique information not shared by any other site on the web? That's what matters -- not how many spammers are busily dung-flinging in any particular neighborhood!


Thank you for so much effort about this subject. I am glad I have not touched on any sour subjects yet being such a new poster. I am hoping my questions are well thought out and other users viewing my post learn something from them.


About the replies - I am really interested in being a valuable member of this communtiy as a listed site and hopefully editor(fingers crossed). The main reason I asked about this category is because I haven't seen much updated(been following it for awhile) in it and found a dead-link for one of the sites. I am becoming more active in the category choosen and that started with making sure people were educated from my site by adding alot of useful content.



  • Meta
Well, we can always use more eyes. Reviewing listings for validity is muchly appreciated! As for the dead link, hie thee over to our Abuse Reporting forum, where we have a thread just for reporting them -- and usually, pretty quick response.

Thank you, I am posting about it now. Hopefully you will be the meta too see my pending application. Keep your fingers crossed for me :-)



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