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Time Frame?


I've seen several posts in this section that say there is no straight answer that editors can give regarding a time frame. The closest thing I saw to a time frame was where an editor stated that it can take from 2 weeks to 2 years. My problem is this, the first time I submitted this domain was 11/15/02. Is there a reason that it was not added to the directory in the first 2 year span of time?


Is there anything else I can do?


Thank you

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>Is there a reason that it was not added to the directory in the first 2 year span of time?


How could it have been added? It hasn't been reviewed.


Is there a reason it wasn't reviewed? No: logically, there's never a cause for an event that doesn't happen. Sites waiting (even in the submitted queue) more than two years isn't the norm, but it isn't really unusual either.


There's nothing else you can do with that submittal. You can, however, start a new submittal in the Business&Economy subcategory of the community where the company is located. Regional and Topical reviews are done independently; a listing in one doesn't preclude a listing in the other (in fact, it may make it faster!). And often the Regional review is quicker than the topical one.


And as always, promoting the site other ways gives editors other chances to find it...there's no reason to restrict editor reviews to submitted sites, and good reasons to encourage editors to find sites in other ways.

  • 3 months later...

Still not listed in main category...


This site has been accepted in the regional category, but still not listed in the main category that I submitted it to. The competitor is listed in the main category and is showing up everywhere. We would really like to have a listing there as well, in order to compete. Is there anything that can be done? I'm still waiting since 2002 when I initially submitted to get this site listed.


Thank you


Sorry, but other than ensuring your site is in the heap [which you have done] and that the site is up and working, ther is nothing that can be done. The editors review sites, the order and time for review depends on many things, which in the end are unpredictable.


Asking for a listing here is generally considered a bad idea, since if we did that the forum would be swamped with requests. In fact if I had just reviewed your site, I might go and unreview it for a few weeks just to make sure nobody thought there was a connection.


Listing your site because your competior is listed - goes totally against the purpose of ODP, we are not an advertising and marketing promition service.


There are different opinions about the answer to "How long till sites are reviewed?" My answer is - from a day to more than two years. I have reviewed sites that have been sitting for more than three years, and I also have reviewed sites in less than 10 minutes after submission.

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