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I'm afraid it's still there in the queue, along with a dozen other sites. There has been no movement in that category in the past month. Sorry.
Does this mean that the category does not have an editor?

There is an editor listed for that category, but he doesn't seem to have been very active recently. All ODP editors are volunteers, and therefore no one can predict what level of effort they will put in. All ODP editors are also human, and humans sometimes need to take time off to cater for important events in their lives.


Even if there was no editor listed for that category, every editor in every category above the one your site is waiting in has permissions to work there. In addition there are hundreds of 'meta' and 'editall' level editors that are able to work in any category in the directory. These editors typically roam around their broad areas of interest looking for work to do, so your submission won't sit in the queue for ever. Once day someone will take a sudden interest in cranes and they'll work through the list. Unfortyunately, it's not possible to determine exactly when this will happen, or even to make an accurate guess. I'm afraid you'll just have to sit tight and be patient.

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