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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: URL update


Thank you for your reply.

Iam just checking on a request that I submitted to change my site description and listing from URL:http://store.yahoo.com/chocolatepen/ to URL:http://www.chocolatepen.com/

Iam sorry but I don't get your answer. Can't I change my URL?





If you wish to change your site away from its current focus on sales to business, that would be your right. If you ever do that, then please submit a "change URL" request.


Arguing about site placement would not be an appropriate subject for this forum, even if a reasonable case could be made for an alternate placement, which is clearly not the case here.


I followed your advise and on 2 /15/04 I submitted new site description and "URL change" to URL http://www.chocolatepen.com from URL http://store.yahoo.com/chocolatepen/

Could you tell me the status of this request. Thank You


  • 2 weeks later...

An update request is pending editor review in that category.


I should warn you though that the description you requested is far from being guideline-compliant for the ODP and will not get accepted - trying to repeat the keywords "custom chocolate" many times just plain won't happen.


I can't comment on the rest of the update - it will need to wait for an editor more familiar with the subject. Thanks.

  • 2 weeks later...
An update request is pending editor review in that category.


I should warn you though that the description you requested is far from being guideline-compliant for the ODP and will not get accepted - trying to repeat the keywords "custom chocolate" many times just plain won't happen.


I can't comment on the rest of the update - it will need to wait for an editor more familiar with the subject. Thanks.

Thanks for your reply. How would I know if an editor reviews my request? Any idea how long this could take? Thanks



There is no automatic process to inform that an editor has reviewed your site, or as to whether it has been accepted.


It is not possible to make reliable estimates as to when a site will get reviewed, it would involve too much guesswork as to what an editor is up to. I myself can't make a reliable estimate of whiat I'm doing, I might think I can take of a small number of unreviewed in category withiin a week, but something else comes up, perhaps an influx of spam in anther category, or I need to work on my "real" life.


Would you suggest to follow up here every so often to find out if my update request was reviewed? Thanks



Yes, definitely. Please use this thread and you are welcome to come back at intervals greater than one month from the date of the last status request.



  • 3 weeks later...



Yes, definitely. Please use this thread and you are welcome to come back at intervals greater than one month from the date of the last status request.




Iam following up on my request for URL Update.

I have a question for you. Could you tell me why my site was listed under its Yahoo URL: http://store.yahoo.com/chocolatepen/ and not URL: http://www.chocolatepen.com/ that I originaly submitted. Because that's part of the request for my URL Update. The other part is the description.




  • Meta

I'm going to answer even thought the question wasn't actually asked :)


The update has been processed and the url was changed. The suggested description did not meet ODP guidelines and was not changed. The third section of the request has already been addressed here previously.




I'm going to answer even thought the question wasn't actually asked :)


The update has been processed and the url was changed. The suggested description did not meet ODP guidelines and was not changed. The third section of the request has already been addressed here previously.


Thank you for your reply. When will I see the change take effect?


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