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submission of CenterforMesotherapy.com


It has been another 8 weeks and this website is still not listed. A total of nearly 8 months now.


Is there anymore information on its review status, beyond the fact that it is cued?


Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Status updates are only given every six months, so this would mean at the end of June in your case.


In the mean time you may also suggest your site for the appropriate topical category, probably Health: Medicine: Surgery: Cosmetic and Plastic: Surgeons and Clinics: North America: United States: New York. The two submissions will be reviewed by two editors, and in the end your site might get listed in two categories.

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Please read:



On December 28, 2004 you were given a status that your suggestion was received and awaiting review. You are next eligible for a status update after June 28, 2005.


It has been another 8 weeks and this website is still not listed. A total of nearly 8 months now.


Your suggestion was received into a pool with other suggestions waiting for a volunteer editor to dive in, get wet, and work on them. There is know way of telling when an editor will begin working in that area of the pool or how many laps they might do when they get there :) .


Keep in mind that no site is guaranteed a listing. So since you know it was waiting in December you can continue with your own site promotion plans as if the ODP doesn't exist. If after June 28, 2005 you still do not see it listed in that category you can come back to this thread and request your next status update.


Hopefully sometime soon an editor will find time to go for a swim :)



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.




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