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Hi there and hopefully more happy and peaceful New Year 2005 to all of you!


I am posting on behalf of a website, http://www.puk-minicar.de/, which I first submitted about three months to (among others) the regional category http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Deutschland/Niedersachsen/Landkreise/G%c3%b6ttingen/ . Now, as I said, I have to confess I submitted the URL to several categories at the same time, sorry for this: I was insecure, as that company offers transport services (found no cat for that), primarily in the county specified by the cat.


I had former experiences with other, really fast reviewed submissions and took that for normal. About a month ago I last tried to submit only to one category, could also have been http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Deutschland/Niedersachsen/Landkreise/G%c3%b6ttingen/St%c3%a4dte_und_Gemeinden/G%c3%b6ttingen/ , but by now am afraid I did not really turn the editors into my friends by how I submitted.


Just today, in a newsgroup on search engines (SEs) I stumbled over a link to resource-zone.com (that's a hidden treasure, isn't it?), so now I would like to ask whether I did everything to eternally drown my submission? The submitted site (which I did not basically design, but just enhanced to no longer have it barbwired to keep out SEs) e.g. also tries to give answers to a lot of customer FAQs and thus offers at least some general interest content.


THX in advance for answers, hints and clues ... and I promise to be more patient with future submissions.



It is awaiting review in World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Deutschland/Niedersachsen/Landkreise/Göttingen/Städte_und_Gemeinden/Göttingen and you haven't been penalized for your incorrect submissions.


However, they do slow down the process.

It is awaiting review in World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Deutschland/Niedersachsen/Landkreise/Göttingen/Städte_und_Gemeinden/Göttingen and you haven't been penalized for your incorrect submissions.


However, they do slow down the process.


Thx a lot for the information.


It is difficult for submitters to find correct information about DMOZ, while a lot of nonsense is being spread in the web. I found the information to repeat submission about every two to four weeks on a fairly high rank site, but just few days ago heard about this forum. Thanks again!

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>It is difficult for submitters to find correct information about DMOZ, while a lot of nonsense is being spread in the web.


I can't argue with you there....

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