Guest cdplayer Posted February 28, 2003 Posted February 28, 2003 I originally post my request under the Submissions forum. After working with one of the Submissions moderators we discovered that the site I submitted for review appears not to be in the queue. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> My concerns were transferred to your forum yesterday. I asked the moderator I was working with yesterday if I would receive an email from your group the Submissions moderator didn’t think so. So what I have done is placed what transpired between the moderator and I yesterday under this request in your forum. The entry transfered to your forum that directly relates to this is titled “Posting to the correct area”. I am hoping that you can tell me what my next step is. According to the Submissions moderator it appears that I may have to resubmit my URL for review again. If so, what category should I submit my request under? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> What I need from you is the green light. I don’t what to shoot myself it the foot again. That hurts! <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" /> Thanks! CDPLAYER> Several months ago I submitted my site for review. Today I was looking to see if it was posted. (I know I waited a long time!) It appears that it wasn't posted. I am wondering if I post my URL to the correct area. I am a Web Page Designer, independent attempting to startup my on company. Where is the appropriate place I should submit my URL for review? The name of my company starts with the letter “E”. MODERATOR> Assuming that you submitted to one of the web design categories, it could well still be waiting for review. There are a tremendous amount of web design companies out there and those categories get hundreds of submissions. If you tell us your URL and where you submitted we can check the queue to see if you're still there. CDPLAYER> My URL is OR just I don't remember which one I entered, sorry. If it is not listed what is the best way for me to submit it for review? Knowing me I could have done something wrong! Computers: Internet web design and development: Designers: Freelance: MODERATOR> can't see your site in the queue for that category, or the 'E' subcategory. Nor can I see any evidence of it ever having been there. I'm sorry but it looks like you'll have to re-submit. One of the metas will probably move this thread to the Submission Status forum, which is where enquiries of this nature would normally be posted. CDPLAYER> OK Thank you for all of your help! Will I receive an email from the new group once the transfer has been made? MODERATOR> Probably not (I don't know the details of how this forum works). The easiest thing to do is to use the forum search to look for the thread the next time you return here.
Meta windharp Posted February 28, 2003 Meta Posted February 28, 2003 Hrm... Sorry for the stupid questionm, but: Which submission moderators? I dont know that we have some? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> Anyway: 1) If the URL is not waiting there, you most likely got an error message when submitting or submitted somewhere else. That would mean you have to resubmit if that is the most apropriate category. 2) ODP editors as good as never send out any mail to submitters. Not for accepted, not for rejected sites. From our point of view Submitters help us to bild a fine directory, and not we are helping submitters in any way. Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp
Guest cdplayer Posted February 28, 2003 Posted February 28, 2003 That was not stupid question. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> I don't have clue as to how many folks make up your group. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> Your reply is what I get for assuming! I will resubmit to what I think is the correct group. Thank you for your reply!
dfy Posted February 28, 2003 Posted February 28, 2003 Re: Will I have to resubmit my URL for review agai >> After working with one of the Submissions moderators << >> Which submission moderators? I dont know that we have some? << That would be me, and no we don't have any moderators. I'm just a normal editor like most of the others that post in these fora, and I happened to be the one that answered cdplayer's questions. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
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