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  • 3 months later...

Could you please give me the submission status of http://www.knivesandsuch.com.


Submitted to http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Recreation/Outdoors/Hunting/Knives/




I have submitted twice and have not been included in the directory. Please let me know if there is something wrong with my content or if I need to change anything about my site.



Joe Liguori

  • Meta

You're eligible for a status check, any time six months after the last status.


>Please let me know if there is something wrong with my content or if I need to change anything about my site.


This is hardly ever (what, never) something that we are able to do. Most sites either contain listable content, or contain no clue that the webmaster was able to create listable content. All we can say is "you need to provide information that isn't available elsewhere on the web."

  • 3 months later...

I'm sorry, but there has been no change in status of this suggestion. Still awaiting review in the category you name.


one note, though - the URL suggested was without the "www" at the start.


A submission to category:


and one other submission to the category you named (which was for a specific page on the site) were declined. This is not because of any particular deficiency in the site, merely that the editors believe that the one remaining category is the best potential place where the site would fit, and we try to only list the "root" URL for a business.


Next update: on or after October 6, 2005



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