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I read that as a suggestion that we should at first... Depends which words you put the emphasis on! I presume that it actually means please don't do this...
Post #3 originally said Congrats Motsa on your 2535th post, for about 10 seconds, before I read post #2 the other way, noticed the absence of :) , and fearing being put under a hex, changed it to make myself look sensible for once...
Guest u1amo01

Hey Donald, congrats to the work you've done here.


And congrats to Motsa for 2544 posts.


Now for something completely different. Could someone please explain me what goobers means? My dictionary says goober is a peanut. Ahem. Strange. :D

Guest u1amo01
basically, it's geeky as hell. but completely sexy.

oh dear :rolleyes:

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