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i wondering about www.onlineshopmall.com

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Re: Status: www.onlineshopmall.com


Umm, dfy, I could be wrong, but didn't he leave more than a month (March 4-April 22)? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Unless there's another thread somewhere...


The site is still waiting for review.


Re: Status: www.onlineshopmall.com




I've been sorting lots of paperwork recently with American dates on it (I'm British) and it's messed up my ability to read dates properly. I managed to read the date on xmoss' last post as 3rd April.


I do apologise, and I'll be more careful in future. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Re: Status: www.onlineshopmall.com


I always have to think twice or three times about the dates on this forum (I'm American), so I certainly sympathize! Sorry our jumbled system has disturbed the normal order of your thought processes. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

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