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submittion status of http://bazaar.members.beeb.net

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Our forum guidelines request that a full month should elapse following the last submission which in this case was one week ago (we are unable to see earlier submissions).


However in this case I may aswell advise that an editor has viewed the site and has decided not to list it as it does not meet our site selection criteria.


We do not guide webmasters how to make a site listable as we have no set checklist. It is your site and you should include what you want and what your visitors would like to see and not what you think a one off editor performing a review wants to see.


Quick question


Is the selection criteria for my proposed section available, so I may see when my site may fall foul?


Thanks for you time and help


Mark Excell.

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Yes, the editors' guidelines are public: see http://dmoz.org/guidelines/ .


There are basically two criteria: INFORMATION that is UNIQUE (not available on other websites.) Once a site passes that, we can ask what that information is RELEVANT to -- that is, what category it should go in.


Sorry to be a pain


My site uses mostly news provided by third parties.


Even though you get a unique take on the news (some from the bbc, some from yahoo etc...) this still would make the Sites content 'not unique' under your terms?


Is that right?


Many thanks again.


Mark Excell

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