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The site was removed as it was considered to no longer meet the very high and ever increasing standards/criteria required of a directory based website.

Site dropped followup www.london-eating.co.uk


Hi, I asked about the site http://www.london-eating.co.uk being dropped from


and someone said that "The site was removed as it was considered to no longer meet the very high and ever increasing standards/criteria required of a directory based website."

This I find very strange as in the category there are sites that offer no information, haven't been updated since early 2001 while London Eating is updated multiple times a day and has arguably some of the best unique information for its subject matter.

Is it possible to ask the editor what reasons this was removed for, however as the cat doesn't have a editor listed I am at a bit of a loose end on what to do


Kind regards




(a) please don't start a new thread to ask about why your site was rejected (I've merged your threads)


(b) no, we won't go into details as to why the site was rejected.

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