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Status of http://www.homesalesolutions.com.au

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Guest gimmster

I'm assuming you are the web designer since there is no Damian mentioned on the site. As it stands I don't believe it is listable in Regional.


Whilst there are Regional aspects implied on the site, they are not actually there.


In general Regional lists sites based on their physical location, which there is no mention of on the site.


Real Estate sites are particularly difficult when like this as they are one of the few we have specific guidelines for http://dmoz.org/guidelines/regional/realestate.html .


Since the site states it is not about an agent/agency, what kind of service is it? Looks like advertising (homes for sale), sign hire, or maybe services. It's a hard one to classify. I can see the real estate connection, but


In addition why suggest the site at State level? Your suggested description limits it to Perth Suburbs (http://dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/Australia/Western_Australia/Regions/Perth_Metropolitan/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/ ) but even that is not on the site, rather some nebulous 'we always come to you'. The last property I sold was in Darwin, they really would have come to me? I'm even further away these days.


Anyway, the site has been received and is waiting for review. You may check back again in 6 months if you do not see it listed.



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