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We don't decline suggestions because they weren't suggested to the right category. We decline them because they aren't listable according to our guidelines.

And a forum with 8 users and 50 articles is almost automatically not listable.


I have a forum of my own that has been online for about 45 days. It has 28 users and about 300 postings and I really hope that in about 18 months I'll have enough content to justify a submission. Barring a miracle mine will likely not be listable for another two years.


It is all about content. The broader the topic the greater the requirement for content. Yours is a huge topic. Forget ODP, work on getting hundreds or thousands of members and thousands or tens of thousands of postings. There is no magic number, but I can guarantee that the number is not 8/50 or even 80/500.


Ok Meet You There After 3 Mo With Many Users


OK MEET YOU THERE AFTER 3 MO WITH MANY USERS ;) Thanks a lot :) This is new forum , but I am very much confident of getting good people here.


I have 50 Posts, I could not understand the logic:


:confused: A site with one webmaster and only 20 pages are listable. and not a forum with 1 webmater and other are 7 helpers. Still Growing


:confused: IF YOU DON'T LIST IT THEN HOW WILL PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT.. YOU mean to say that I should first develop 200 pages and atleast 100 Users. Then it will come in DMOZ


:confused: FORUM HAVE THE INFO OF RECENT EVENTS LIKE TSUNAMI, Don't You like people to share the benefits.



I don't understand the logic. BUT I am Satisfied that you have replied. Thanks again.

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If there's nothing there, what does it matter whether people know about it, eh?


If it isn't even there, the tsunami will remain a secret, or ... maybe people will use other forums?


The logic is really simple. What does your forum do that an established forum couldn't do better?


If nothing, then everyone is better off using the established forum.

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