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hello alls

i have submit many times my site in dmoz diretory but ever i see to pubblish.

Mi site is good and have over 50.000 visitor for month,i see in my category more amatorial webisite i think the mine website can stay in domz directory

Thanks for your attention

Carmine from rome

  • Editall/Catmv
[readme]x[/readme] We need a link the the DMOZ category you submitted the site to, but you should probably read through the enter site submission status instructions.
  • Meta
You might prefer to post in your native language -- we may have editors who understand it. If we don't have a forum for it already, check out the "Other languages" forum.

i tryed to submit my site for many times in different directory.

Infact my site dont offer only one type of content.

Offer the last news,and many really scoop,from the world of the sport and luxury cars,offer a gallery,offer free download of supercars videos,offer a database of supercars article in growing.

Where is the best directory to submit my website?

I can have the site in some directory?

Thanks for the information,my english wasn't my native languange but i understand yours :)

Thanks for the help and i hope to see my site in your directory.

  • Meta

If it has many kinds of content, then we will not categorize by kind of content! Its focus must be the _subject_. So find the ONE category that most closely matches the _subject_, and submit there. If it's not the right category, then our editors will move it to a better category. (The more help you give us, the better: but if you give us less help, we'll still do what we always do.)


We don't review sites here: but someday in the future, an editor who wants to look at sites on that subject will review the site. We don't know when that will be, because we don't microschedule, micromanage, or microprioritize work -- the volunteers pick what to do.

  • 1 year later...



Hello people

I tryed many times to submit my site inside the dmoz directory,but never receive contact or other

I submited on the directory Top: Business: Automotive: News and Media

I hope the my site it's the rigth directory:)

IT's possible have the email of the editor of this category?

Thanks for the help and have a nice day

Carmine from rome

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