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Status: mercadofiesta.com.ar & mercadofiesta.com

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For what? Telling you that if you have submitted both those URLs you are in breach of DMOZ guidelines maybe?


1. Read the Directory Guidelines on submission, at least the ones on the Suggest URL form:

Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.


2. Read the posting guidelines on how to request a status check.

A more recent suggestion will have overwritten those from that time period; they are all gone now. If you can't remember the most recent date; then please bump this thread one month from your first post here. That would be 27 Feb. Thanks.
  • 5 weeks later...
  • Meta

We don't know the time.


Just say the word, and we'll move this thread to the Spanish forum -- and you can continue the conversation in Spanish.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

La larga espera...


Hola Amigos, ha pasado un mes desde la última respuesta que me dieron y aún no han dado de alta el sitio, y simplemente quería saber cuánto es el tiempo aproximado que debo esperar..



Saludos y gracias por la atención.

* [ Cristian - RedComser ]

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