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Status of web page




Have I done anything wrong with the submission or my thread? I just wonder because many others have received responses but posted their threads after I did mine.


thanks and ciao Frank

Frank - please provide a *clickable link* to the category submitted to. Thanks. If you do not know which sub-category then it makes it very difficult to find potentially so we may not be able to help - do your best to get the category and sub-category right.
You're probably right Frank, but when did you submit it (last time if more than once)? If the (last) time you sent it in was within the last month we won't have any information for you yet. I'm guessing that is the case. Don't resubmit yet, wait until a month has elapsed from making the suggestion then bump this thread or if you can't remember then wait a month from today. We'll then be able to give you a proper answer. Many thanks.

Status update




I am pretty sure that I have submitted the page before Christmas but because there were other directories I aslo submitted to I did not note the exact date down.


ciao Frank

Ah well, maybe you got the dates mixed up. No worries, if it is in our system we should be able to give you some information in a few weeks time, otherwise we'll tell you then that you can suggest it again. See you in a few weeks.
  • 3 weeks later...

Site listing




a few weeks ago I posted a message in this forum to find out about my web page http://www.welshholiday.co.uk

I check today if it is listed in DMOZ but could not find it. The question is - do I have to wait for longer or do I have to resubmit it (without getting penailised for doing it again as your web page is warning to do so)?

Please let me knwo what the right way forward is.


thanks and ciao Frank


Frank, the site is waiting for review - do not resubmit please, an editor will deal with it in due course. If you don't see it listed in 6 months then you can come back to this thread for an update.


However, we have another problem. http://www.users.totalise.co.uk/%7efrankk/ has been found waiting in the same category submitted 12 days earlier. We have a very strict rule against the submission of related sites and the ultimate penalty is to exclude all related sites. In this case we have excluded only the totalise.co.uk one and welshholiday.co.uk will go forward for review, but please make sure you read and abide by all our guidelines when submitting in the future (which you shouldn't need to do again anyway). If there are any more you have suggested to other categories please let us know now so we can tidy up any mess. Thanks.


Added - Just found http://www.luxurycottage.jamminweb.com too - also rejected for the same reason.

  • 2 months later...

Submission to DMOZ




at your last messgae you said that the site is up fro review and I am just wondering about the status as I am waiting already since last Sept/October. Any (hopefully good) news for me?


thanks and ciao Frank (the impatient one)

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We have no news at all.

Please read the forum guidelines

You must wait a minimum of 6 months between status requests. Last request was answered on February 19, 2005

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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