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Someone will be pleased to advise. Any time from mid February on. See the forum rules, you must wait a month before requesting an initial check.
I will help you a little bit more though right now. http://www.merlinmagicsecurity.com/ - related site? Did someone miss the guidelines when suggesting the URL - "Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites." If you submitted any others then now is the time to come clean.



2 sites were submitted, covering completely different aspects of the security industry, the door wizard install, high spec access control systems where merlin magic supply only, surely you can see these are totally different services. Come clean? I am seeking advice after reading rather worrying reports about dmoz on other review boards.


Two sites with the same photo - the same text - and the same subject totally violate the submission guidelines. Don't play word games with us, and don't delude youself.


Read http://www.dmoz.org/add.html


Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.


Those are the rules the ODP runs by, and the ones you agreed to abide by whn you suggested your sites. You are free to have as many website as you want, but when you try to submit them to the directory, and waste editors time, you run the risk of being removed permanenty.

As the 2 sites are classed as the same by odp, please advise how I cancel the submission to yourselves for merlin magic security, and obtain a listing for only the door wizard site?
  • Meta

Please remember that we may be using the same terminology to mean slightly diffferent things. Two sites that are clearly different to you, as a business person, are clearly the same to us - and we see so much of this that we do become jaded and sometimes unnecessarily curt in our responses.


The fact remains, though, that the text bobrat quotes is present in the submission agreement, and those are rules we as editors must follow.


Having suggested two related sites for inclusion will not classify you as a spammer or cause us to blacklist you or anything like that, but please do not suggest the URLs again, and please don't suggest any other sites from Door Wizard Limited. Thanks! :moz:

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

Oddly, by coincidence, one of your URLS has been listed. Today, and should appear on the public servers within a few days.


http://thedoorwizard.co.uk in http://dmoz.org/Business/Business_Services/Security/Products_and_Equipment/Access_Control/


That means http://thedoorwizard.com (the one you asked about) is rejected alongside http://www.merlinmagicsecurity.com/ and http://www.merlinmagicsecurity.co.uk - the latter was the one I found suggested using an email address from the former. Hence the request to come clean. If there are any more in the system other than these three and the one listed, please let us know here.

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