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I would like to ask for the status of pornadept.com, the site was first submitted more than a year ago, probably up to 18 months ago. I submitted to this directory : http://dmoz.org/Adult/Computers/Internet/Searching/Link_Sites/Reviews/


About a year ago, I talked to some Meta editor, and was adviced to resubmit the site, which I have done. Still nothing happened.


For now, the category I am trying to get listed in, has no editor. What now? If I understnad it corretly, Metas are allowed to post sites in categories that have no editors? Is that right?


Anyways, please somebody take a look at the site status and let me know.



For now, the category I am trying to get listed in, has no editor. What now? If I understnad it corretly, Metas are allowed to post sites in categories that have no editors? Is that right?
Metas, Admins, Editalls and all Editors above this category can edit there.


And the Site is awaiting review in the named category.


Thanks for the answer.


Any idea when it might get reviewed? If I'm not mistaken, the site was submitted at the end of 2003 or early in 2004. So it's not that I am not willing to wait a few months :cool:

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