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Status of http://www.starexports.com

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No status information is available yet for that url. Please make sure it's been a month since the last suggestion was made before you ask here for status. If you can't remember the date, please use one month from your first post in this thread. Bump this same thread when the time has expired. Thanks.
Any recent suggestion will have overwritten an older one, so the older one is lost. We cannot see it and have no record of it. If you can't remember the date of the most recent suggestion, then please bump this thread for status one month from your first post, which would be on 12 March. Thanks.

i have not understood


Hi Thanks for your help!


i have not understood what you mean by

" ... please use one month from your first post in this thread. Bump this same thread when the time has expired. Thanks"


I am already telling i hav repeatedly submitted in the last six months, while the website of my competition is their in category while i have been repeately denied entry to this category.


.Thanks for your any help

Jyoti chanana :)

I am already telling i hav repeatedly submitted in the last six months


That is the problem.


Stop resubmitting.


Then wait 30 days from the most recent submission (none of the others count, only the most recent), and ask for a status check.


The presence, or absence of your competitor's sites is irrelevant.

  • 2 months later...

submition of www.starexports.com


Dear Sir,

Now it has passed more than two months and even more and as you promised My webiste is still in not the category. do I have to wait more.

Today is 10 May , 2005.

<deleted -- abusive use of forum.>



Thanking you in advance.

Yours Faithfully


  • Meta
A lot of wrong questions and statements. I advice you to read the FAQ. And then to come back to ask the right question. (hint: we only answer status requests)

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta

Do NOT use this forum to request site reviews. That's what "Update URL" at dmoz.org is for, and it works more efficiently than any forum possibly could.


No ODP editor should EVER promise a listing. No one of us has the power to keep that promise. And certainly, nothing said in THIS forum promised a listing.


After you read the forum policies, read the submittal policies. And follow them. (Submit once, or twice at most, then check to see if the submittal has been received.)


You never have to "wait." Get out and get to work! Pretend the ODP doesn't exist, and go promote your own site. Don't wait for the ODP to do it. Anything we do for you, we'll do for all your competitors, and we might do it for them first! And anyway, site promotion (yours or competitors) is not our job and we won't take the responsibility.

  • Meta

Follow up: your site is listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Punjab/Localities/Amritsar/Business_and_Economy which looks correct to me. Since it claims to be of global interest, it MAY be eligible for a second listing in Business, but the category you named is obviously not the right place, since the primary business is manufacturing (exporting is only an ancilliary sales activity.) DO NOT RESUBMIT TO THAT CATEGORY!


I have sent one submittal to the Business Mis-submitted heap, and editors will eventually sort it out to the right place.


If this is too confusing, maybe some of our editors speak your language -- you might want to post in the "Other languages" forum, give a link to this thread, and ask for interpretation.


status of www.starexports.com


Dear Sir,


thanks sir for your time. I will wait till it arives in the business category. However if as you say doesnot come in the business category. As I am also eliglbe for a second lisiting. Kindly tell me after how much time should i bump this thread again.


Thanks again for all your time.


  • Meta

No, I did NOT say you are eligible for a second listing!


Read it again. I said you MIGHT be (and in my dialect of English, that implies "might NOT be". I did not give an opinion. It is a possibility I had not yet eliminated. It is not a promise, it is not a guarantee.


You may bump this thread in six months.


Just to repeat. There is no promise to review the site by any particular time. There is absolutely NO promise to list the site. This forum is just about checking site status.


Excellent Remarks!


You never have to "wait." Get out and get to work! Pretend the ODP doesn't exist, and go promote your own site. Don't wait for the ODP to do it. Anything we do for you, we'll do for all your competitors, and we might do it for them first! And anyway, site promotion (yours or competitors) is not our job and we won't take the responsibility.


Sound Good Fantastic Remarks!

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