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I have submitted my site over a month ago. I shall greatly appreciate it if you would provide me the status:


1. my site name : http://www.storming-robots.com2. submitted to http://www.dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/Sports_and_Hobbies/Summer_Camps/Computer/

3. also submitted to: http://www.dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/Computers/Education/


Thank you very much for your time!


Elizabeth Mabrey


Storming Robots

Robotics Learning Center for Children

Partner of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robotics Community



Elizabeth Mabre, I see it has been two days since you have asked for the status of your site. I would like to just say hang in there, and one of the editors with the correct permissions to see where your site stands will be here to help you A.S.A.P.


Also, if you could go back and edit your post so the link to your site is clickable, that would help the reviewing editor out.


Thank you.


Your site is still waiting to be reviewed in:




However, a better placement for the site may be in the LEGO Mindstorm category:



Or, in the Classic directory under:



I did not see it waiting in the que for the other category you mention.


have updated as you have suggested




I have submitted my site to a couple of others that you have suggested. The following includes what I have submitted:


1) http://www.dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/Computers/Education/



2) http://dmoz.org/cgi-bin/add.cgi?where=Recreation/Collecting/Toys/Lego/Themes/Min




3) http://www.dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/Sports_and_Hobbies/Summer_Camps/Computer/


I shall greately appreciated it if they will be accepted into the directory. If there is any suggestion as how to expedite this, please advise.


Thank you very much for your time!


Elizabeth Mabrey

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