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Change of address for:www.homerentalconnections.com

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I submitted my site twice and the site has now been transferred to another web host so the site address I provided the second time is no longer valid.


Site directed at:



Sent on the 3rd Oct 04

Using this url: http://www.homerentalconnections.com


Not listed as of 19 Oct 04

Still not listed on 12 Nov 04


Re submitted it to the Directory on 12th Nov 04 using this url:


(having read all the faqs thoroughly I think this was a mistake, I went to my website and saw it was different then thought maybe the first one was wrong so posted it this way - actually I'm still not sure which one was the one to suggest to you)


Not listed on 15th Feb 05

The website url is now:


because I've moved web host(from this month).


Should I re-submit it? (the one I submitted on the 12th Nov now goes nowhere)


Thanks for your time!

best wishes


No the first submission is still waiting for review and works, the second has been removed as a duplicate. Never resubmit unless told to do so by an editor - once an URL has been suggested and received it will sit and wait for an editor to review it for as long as it takes. If you want a further update ask in this same thread in 6 months time.
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