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status of /Computers/Data_Formats/Audio/TTA

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All the sites submitted to that category? (Im not sure an editor can do that)


If thats not what you meant, we need a clickable link to your site you submitted to the category in your thread.

All the sites submitted to that category? (Im not sure an editor can do that)


Not all sites. I have requested status of the sites submitted to

Computers/Data_Formats/Audio/ with description [suggested for new TTA subcategory]:


1. http://www.true-audio.com

2. http://coretta.corecodec.org

3. http://sourceforge.net/projects/tta

4. http://corecodec.org/projects/tta

5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TTA

6. http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=TTA

7. http://www.audiodesignguide.com/theSource/theSource.html


Waiting for results,


-- Sasha

A status check is available one month after the (last) submission. Please bump up this thread then, if the sites have not been listed by then.
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