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The site was only submitted on March 14th. Please wait at least a month before enquiring about the status of a listing. FYI, it's not in that long a queue but it's in a category that doesn't get that much editing attention.
Guest dannirod

I recognized the need for more editors. On 15 March I applied to become an editor for that category and have received and replied to the confirmation email that the application was received. opendir - 5760c8832b3aad70abbac80c7136f3b3


Thank you for your help! <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest dannirod

I was wondering if there were any changes regarding the www.medicalassistant.net. How much longer will it be?


I never heard back from the dmoz theam about my editor application, but I guess it must be a conflict of interest to volunteer for the same category you are asking inclusion for.

  • Meta

Please leave at least a month before asking again. We could spend our time editing, when we would not have to answer so many questions ;-)


We cant make any promises on the time it needs to review a site. Depends on to many things, so we cant even give an educated guess.


Normally you receive feedback to your editor application, either positive or negative. Make sure your mailaddress is valid and you reply to the confirmation mail. You should receive a second mail telling you that your reply has arrived and the applicaton willö be processed. Feel free to ask in the edit application status forum if your application is still in the queue.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



  • 1 month later...
Guest dannirod

Hello DMOZ team,

as far as you can tell has there been any change in the status of the www.medicalassistant.net yet? I am hoping that this category (sadly without an editor) has moved at least a little bit and my name is moving up on the list.


DMOZ is such an important directory, but sadly if a category is without editor everybody stuck in there depends on someone who has a "heart" (and feels sorry for everybody in there) and a little bit extra time to spare (and with time being so precious and short - how much of a chance is that?)


Please advise and give me good news! (smile.) Don't break my heart tonight! Thanks.

  • Meta
<img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" /> Not to break your heart, but the site is pending with a handful of other sites. <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />
Curlie: Been trying to give up the editing addiction since day 1. :moz:
Guest dannirod



You know this sound? It broke!



  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest dannirod
Oh, that is WONDERFUL! I had no idea. I am so glad. I waited for that for a long time. Thanks for being the bearer of good news. :moz:
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