joeychgo Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 My site is already listed in DMOZ. It is a car club / forum site. What I want to know is this. I have 5 regional chapters, each with their own home page and other pages. They behave as local branches. Is it appropriate to submit these home pages to the appropriate regional catagories also?
motsa Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 If you're talking about I'd say No.
spectregunner Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Why bother? It really doesn't matter, the end result is not about to change.
joeychgo Posted March 3, 2005 Author Posted March 3, 2005 I ask why so I better understand and maybe dont have to ask questions in the future -- Or so that I can better develop my site -- I have other sites too that this could apply to in other terms - one of them has a blog and directory - is it safe to list the directory? Is it safe to list the blog? I ask questions so I know how to approach things and dont make the mistake of submitting listings that are inappropriate. Besides that ---- Why NOT answer? Is it a secret?
Meta hutcheson Posted March 3, 2005 Meta Posted March 3, 2005 If you are asking us how you can best manipulate us to use us to serve your promotional purposes that we have told you are against our guidelines, that is not a question we will ever answer. The best answer is "don't try, because we aren't stupid, we will notice, and you won't like the result." You are free to publish whatever content you have -- I'd recommend publishing it all, but prioritizing the unique bits (and, of course, featuring them prominently in the navigation.) Your main site is listed in the ODP. For normal sites, that's the end of it.
joeychgo Posted March 3, 2005 Author Posted March 3, 2005 No - not about manipulating anything... Im building local chapters for the purpose of local events and local activities OFF the website --- and I want those people in the localities to be aware of the resource, know that they can come to meets, etc. I was thinking about listing those chapters in regional catagories for specifically that purpose. Also, as I said, I have other sites too that this could apply to in other terms - one of them has a blog and directory - is it safe to list the directory? Is it safe to list the blog? I am asking so I know the answers better and dont clutter up DMOZ by submitting incorrectly. Dont assume everyone has negative intentions.
spectregunner Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 In that event, your best bet is to spend some quallity time with our FAQ and with our editing guidelines. We are not going to give broad answers without knowing the site in question.
joeychgo Posted March 3, 2005 Author Posted March 3, 2005 The site that I was originally, and still am discussing is Lincoln vs Cadillac
spectregunner Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Then you've already asked the question and been given an answer. No. We are not going to go down the slippery slope of describing the wheres and whyfores and have you debate it with us every step of the way. Much of that ground was thoroughly covered in your previous thread. Unless you can add something of significance to this disucssion, it is best if you were to consider it closed.
Meta hutcheson Posted March 3, 2005 Meta Posted March 3, 2005 We will treat all pages (on whatever domains) from the same entity (e.g., you) on the same general subject (e.g., cars) as a single site (or as "related sites", which the submittal policies say for you not to submit at all, and for us to list "only in exceptional cases." (All webmasters think their own site is exceptional, so we don't want them making that judgment.) What you should be doing for promoting local pages is looking for links from locality-specific sites (not sites, like the ODP, with locality-specific pages.) You can use the ODP locality directories to find such sites, and those are the ones that would be most interested in linking to your locality-specific pages -- you know, sites with local event calendars, local car enthusiasts, etc.
joeychgo Posted March 3, 2005 Author Posted March 3, 2005 Thank you - thats exactly what I am doing. I am seeking local links from localized sites for those pages. DMOZ was just one of my requests. I decided against getting seperate domains for each chapter because I like things clean. Im not here to pull shots guys. But it seemed logical to me to have the chapters listed in regional catagories. I decided to ask here instead of just submitting so as to not clog the submissions. I thought that was the most respectful way. The answer is no, fine. I only take issue with the assumption that im trying to manipulate or pull something funny with no basis for the assumption.
motsa Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 We appreciate that you took the time to ask here first. Thank you for doing that.
oneeye Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 We appreciate you asking first, many don't bother, but would ask that you respect the answer given. I am sure you can understand that by answering fully and effectively outlining a technique to achieve multiple listings of subsites that don't deserve it is not something we can do. You may not try to manipulate but others that lurk in this forum undoubtedly would. It's just that kinda place unfortunately so please don't take offence if we give the impression of not trusting people - truth is we can't afford to.
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