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Update on TshirtManiacs.com


I sent my submit early January 2005 to http://www.dmoz.com/Shopping/Clothing/Casual/T-Shirts/Humor/. Then I got an ok to resubmit on March 4th (no trace of Jan submit). I resubmitted on March 4th. I still can't find that I've been listed. Am I doing something wrong or do I just need to give it a little more time? Sorry if I'm being impatient, I'm just not sure what kind of time frame to expect.


Thanks for the help,




  • Meta

The site is waiting there for review.


If you're concerned about time to review, we don't have any way of knowing, and what we don't know we can't tell.


The best estimate I could come up with would be no better than your Googling for competitors, and assuming half of them would be reviewed before you. But an ouija board would work just as well -- ask it "how long is a length of time?"

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