sams Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 Hi , Need your valuable advice before submiting this website to DMOZ before its too late . The website I want to submit is However, I also did the necessary research to find the appropriate category in DMOZ. I searched for the term - IT Staff supplementation services Found 1 relevant category match - Computers: Software: Consultants So can you please guide me if I can submit to this particular category ? Once again the website details are : Website Name : DMOZ Category : Also the page indicates stephenpace as the category editor. After reading so much about the hazards of not submitting to the correct category I've come to terms that : I'ed rather be safe then sorry. Also, I dont know if I get a chance to say this more, that All you guys are doing a great job :thumb2: and I cannot imagine where I would have to go to plead if it werent for this place. Many Thanks to each and every editor associated with this forum and DMOZ. ( :o I hope you do not misunderstand my appreciation) sams
Meta pvgool Posted March 4, 2005 Meta Posted March 4, 2005 Sorry but we don't have a review sevice at Resource Zone. Just suggest to ODP in the one category you think is the best. If by accident it isn't an editor will move it to the right one. If you have done enough research (and it seems to me you have done so) you probably have found the best category. Just suggest the site. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
Meta andysands Posted March 4, 2005 Meta Posted March 4, 2005 That category does not accept submissions any more because it is too generic. Please find a category that does accept submissions that focuses on the core purpose of your business. Your site says: "We are an IT services provider specializing in IT Staff supplementation, project management of software applications and specialized technology services." Project management of software implementations is not generic, nor is IT staff recruitment - there are more specific categories for those areas. But you'll have to take the effort to do the research to find them. Pick the one of the two your business does more of, and submit your site there. Submitting to a wide generic category is generally bad idea anyway - everyone does it, so the unreviewed backlog tends to be high. HTH Andy
sams Posted March 5, 2005 Author Posted March 5, 2005 Thanks for the quick reply pvgool & andy Sorry but we don't have a review sevice at Resource Zone. Just suggest to ODP in the one category you think is the best. If by accident it isn't an editor will move it to the right one. If you have done enough research (and it seems to me you have done so) you probably have found the best category. Just suggest the site. Yes, you are absolutely right. I would have undoubtedly submitted to that chosen category (which I thought would be appropriate. But now I dont, after seeing Andy's reply). But you see, the implications of submitting to a wrong category (even accidently) are far more dreadful and severe than one can ever imagine. And this is true judging by the number of posts being made everday over here (maybe every minute probably). And in the replies all editors usually point to the fact that either the submitter has submitted to an irrelavent category or has been submitting too often before any editors reviewal hence the extended delay in the process. Therefore, I fear the worst that if (God forbid) I submitted to a wrong category then my chance of even being listed in DMOZ would vanish completely (means 'it wont happen any soon'). Bcoz the site which I would want to submit (No matter how legit it is) will be pushed down the HUMONGOUS pile of queued sites untill some day an editor gets a chance to review it again and put it back into the correct category (again could take from month(s) to year(s)). Speaking for myslef as a novice submitter to the DMOZ, I will never get it right the first time (not in a pessimist way) and the next time may already be too late. Hence I am being cautious. That category does not accept submissions any more because it is too generic. Please find a category that does accept submissions that focuses on the core purpose of your business. ... Submitting to a wide generic category is generally bad idea anyway - everyone does it, so the unreviewed backlog tends to be high. However, I refined the search for the category and have now found some specific categories (just as Andy suggested). Again this was challenge doing in DMOZ, coz its searching facility is not as powerful as the Search Engines we are normally used to and there is no 'advance search' utility present in DMOZ to carry out more refined searches (i.e to find the most relavent category). But now my problem is that, which particular category should I submit to ? coz over here I now have in all 5 short listed categories. 3 categories which have editors for reviewing and 1. (Category editor: hinch ) 2. (Category editor: zennie ) 3. (Category editor: pstroud ) other 2 dont have editors for reviewing. 1. 2. So now, what should be my preferences from here on once I have short listed a category specific for submission. A. Should I pick that category which has an editor already assigned for ? (I belive it could be speedy. But I could be wrong aswel.) B. Or should I go with the non-editor category and wait untill someone gets a chance to review ? ( I've No clue about what happens here) C. Also how much does the quantity of the number of sites listed in the category matter while submitting ? Does lesser the number of sites present means better ? Whats the maximum limit of number of sites already present in a category should we avoid submitting to ? (All in respect to points A & B) Kindly please advice me. Thanks a lot for being soooh patient with me. PS: I am also learning a lot and definately this hard work will pay off in future as well (i.e both for the submitter and editors. Submitters like me stop screwing up :o , and make editors job a bit more managable if not any easier )
Meta pvgool Posted March 5, 2005 Meta Posted March 5, 2005 But you see, the implications of submitting to a wrong category (even accidently) are far more dreadful and severe than one can ever imagine. Atleast we as editors don't know af any dreadful impications. They only exist in your imagination. Again, it is upto you to decide to which category to suggest the site. However, I refined the search for the category and have now found some specific categories (just as Andy suggested). Again this was challenge doing in DMOZ, coz its searching facility is not as powerful as the Search Engines we are normally used to and there is no 'advance search' utility present in DMOZ to carry out more refined searches (i.e to find the most relavent category). But I can tell you that you are doing it totaly the wrong way. We are not a search engine so by using our search you maybe will not find the right catagory. We are a directory. Start finding a major category your site will fit into and than drilldown as deep as possible. Everytime selecting the best fit subcategory. It is impossible that your site will fit in all 6 categories mentioned by you. Notice: this is already much more advice as we normaly give. Finding a right category is upto you. Major delays will only happen when you take a completly wrong category like puting your site somewhere under sports. A. Should I pick that category which has an editor already assigned for ? No, pick the category that fits the subject of your site. B. Or should I go with the non-editor category and wait untill someone gets a chance to review ? Read the faq for answers about "no editor listed in a category" C. Also how much does the quantity of the number of sites listed in the category matter while submitting ? Totaly none. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
sams Posted March 5, 2005 Author Posted March 5, 2005 But you see, the implications of submitting to a wrong category (even accidently) are far more dreadful and severe than one can ever imagine. Atleast we as editors don't know af any dreadful impications. They only exist in your imagination. The implications which I am reffering to are in the following light: 1. A website needs to reach out to as many people (prospective clients) as possible. 2. Usually many people popular choice is to find websites through Search Engines. 3. Top Search Engines (Yahoo, Google & MSN) give more importance (huge preference) to websites indexed or accepted by DMOZ. Alternatively, they also have their own Directory Databases but most of them either share DMOZ's database or are paid and we do not have that kind off advertising budget to shell out (at the moment). 4. The more Search Engines the site gets indexed the better are the Sales prospects. (Now the worst part of my imagination) 5. Not being able to get a website into DMOZ means most Search Engines not being able to find the website on their own. As they like and prefer to find websites on their own and not through by manual submissions. 6. Not being able to get a website into DMOZ means Top Search Engines not giving enough credibility to the website. Why only DMOZ? Because of DMOZ being earned the respect of one of the oldest directories online (and still alive) with a comprehensive collection of ligit websites all in the best interest of the end common user (people). 7. Not being able to get a website into DMOZ means Top Search Engines may not rank non-DMOZ websites very well due to which in the long run the company lose out on the Online Business Opportunity. 8. If one does not submit to the correct category the submitter will first of all never know why his/her website was not accepted (DMOZ's policy). 9. Its only through (our only ray of hope :rainbow: ) the submitter can atleast come to know the current status (accepted / rejected / pending for review) of the website in DMOZ but not before 1 month from the date of submission. After knowing the status one cannot ask for a status check untill 6 months. 10. (As mentioned in the FAQ section) Q. How long should I wait before I resubmit? A. The simple answer is "forever". Now I know what your gonna say 'what a weird imagination I have'. But belive it or not if you see in the light of the above points you will realise the dredfulness (which I dont expect you or any editor too). But none the less I cant help seeing it. Notice: this is already much more advice as we normaly give. I soo highly respect and appreciate the responses by you. Anyways, I once again my sincere thanks for your kind help. I shall go and again give it thorough thought as to which of the short listed categories my website suites the best as you may be right that the website may not fit in to all 5 categories. And then submit keeping my fingers crossed and hopping that everthing will be alright.
jimnoble Posted March 5, 2005 Posted March 5, 2005 We don't have the slightest interest in search engine rankings and we don't make listing decisions based upon what any effect upon them might be. There's no point in discussing them here. As you've already been advised, please just choose what seems to you the one best fit category and suggest your root URL to it. After that, I suggest you wait patiently and devote your talents to other means of promoting your website.
Meta pvgool Posted March 5, 2005 Meta Posted March 5, 2005 All points given above are totaly irrelevant to us. And some aren't even true. If your site can only get enough visitors if it is included in DMOZ then there is either something totaly wrong with your website or with your marketing strategy. If you think you need a listing in DMOZ to get a succesful website my advice is to dump the website, forget all about it and start looking for a proper job. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
Meta hutcheson Posted March 5, 2005 Meta Posted March 5, 2005 If your concern is about search engines (and I neither say that it ought to be, or that it ought not to be), then you need to take up your issues with the search engines. Our mission -- and we aren't going to change it for you -- is to help all your competitors have at least as good visibility as you have. Scary, huh? If you're ever interested in helping us with that mission, you know where we are.
sams Posted March 6, 2005 Author Posted March 6, 2005 If you think you need a listing in DMOZ to get a succesful website my advice is to dump the website, forget all about it and start looking for a proper job. My humble apologies to you pvgool didn’t mean to upset or annoy you in any way to say something like this. Our mission -- and we aren't going to change it for you -- is to help all your competitors have at least as good visibility as you have. Scary, huh? I really don’t know exactly what that means hutcheson. However, as kindly suggested by jimnoble, andy and everybody without any further delay I shall just go ahead and submit to the best fit category. Also hopping that I can keep you posted if all goes well or even otherwise ? Many thanks to all of you for your valuable advice and help. Be cool people. Sams
Meta pvgool Posted March 6, 2005 Meta Posted March 6, 2005 Also hopping that I can keep you posted if all goes well or even otherwise ? The only thing you can do after suggesting the site is ask for a status. But do it according to the forum guidelines. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
Meta hutcheson Posted March 6, 2005 Meta Posted March 6, 2005 >without any further delay I shall just go ahead and submit to the best fit category Sounds like a plan, man. Remember that many (perhaps most) submittals go to the wrong category. We don't mind finding the right home for them -- after all, we HAVE to do that for the sites that AREN'T submitted, after we find them for ourselves. The more you help us, the better (for us). But any help is accepted.
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