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Yes, You Are Correct


Yes, you are correct, I have several different websites with a common theme. The webdesign-pros.com site is an old web design site that I've had for a few years, but since I've gone away from design to SEO, I've made over this site now into an SEO only website.


The seoexpert.ws site in my newest website offering similar but not identical services.

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That makes the sites "related." Please review the submittal policies for what not to do with related sites, and where not to do it.


To us, it IS spam, and it LOOKS like DEVIOUS spam.


One webdesigner, one listing -- and from there you are expected to be able to link to all your pages, however many domain names you scatter them over.


This is a very strict rule, because underemployed webdesigners, like underemployed lawyers, have socially detrimental ways of affecting their situation.

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