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Am I dense or what? I recently applied to be an editor for a category in Thailand (under Krabi). Just today an editor responded that since I was already an editor, I couldn't have two accounts. What is amazing is that, yes, about one to two years ago I did apply for another category and never seem to have gotten a reply. The meta editor told me to come here for some help if I didn't have my old email address which I definitely do not (for reinstatement purposes). So what happens now? Am I going to be able to edit in Krabi, or the original category in, I think, Mae Hong Son?


Thanks, Bill.

I didn't have my old email address which I definitely do not

Do you mean you no longer have the account or you don't recall the address you used? My ISP added spam filters at some point and it rejected anything from ODP until I fixed it - maybe something similar happened to you.

I mean the old email account hasn't been used in at least a year, so I assume it's gone entirely. I tried, of course, to access it but at this point can't be sure what the password is anyway. If it's a requirement that the old mail account be used, then I guess this is the end of any reinstatement effort. That wasn't the impression I got from the meta, however. She suggested I come to this forum for the very reason that I don't have access to that old account.
If you find a way to reactivate the old email address (sometimes it is possible) you can ask for a password reminder to be sent and then fill in the reinstatement form. Otherwise you are going to need a meta here to take pity and ask you a string of questions to confirm your identity.
Did you actually try the reinstatement form already? http://dmoz.org/reinstate.html I can't remember how that thing works, but on the form where you enter your e-mail address it says "Your e-mail address should match the e-mail you used as an editor. If it is different, then provide your old e-mail address in your reason for reinstatement below." So as far as I can tell, you just need to know your original username and password. Do you know those?
I think the only thing I would know at this point is my old userid and old email address, plus I don't recall saving the data from 2 years ago or whenever it was. If that's not enough, well I guess that's life.

We can change the e-mail address to a new one, but we need you to confirm as much information as you can before we can change it. Send me a private message here with as much information as you know, such as:


Editor name

Date of joining

Category edited

Any additional categories gained

How many edits done

When left and the circumstances

Original email address.


And include the new e-mail address you wish it to be changed to.


Well, at last, I did manage to become an editor - again! (thanks to donaldb and others I'm sure). Even have a few edits under my belt already - check it out.


However, the reason I'm posting here is that I'm having problems gaining admission to the internal fora. Tried my normal p'word several times without luck. Is this normal and what to do about it?


Thanx, BillF

I mentioned this in the other thread, but I'll mention it here too just in case. It sometimes takes about 24 hours before the files sync up so that you can access the internal forums.

Got the message, donaldb, thanx.


All that work to get reinstated...
Plus I had to go dig out a moth-balled computer to get some critical data for purposes here! But there's a silver lining as some other matters were there that I had forgotten about and will need. So all's well that ends well.

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