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You need to provide a *clickable* link to the category you suggested your site to. Thanks.


There is no answer to the last part of your question other than anytime between now and infinity, sorry.


You misunderstand - there is no obligation at all on you to provide a link to the ODP on your site, though we are always happy when people do so.


We need a clickable link to the category you suggested the site to here, in this thread, so we can go check out the status for you.


http://www.shopmobility-sheffield.org.uk - Please find the link


Thanks for pointing this out. Sorry about the missunderstanding.

The category link i have linked to is: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/South_Yorkshire/Sheffield/Society_and_Culture/Disability_Resources/


There is a current entry there listed as: Sheffield ShopMobility - Enabling access in the Sheffield City Centre - and beyond. A charity that enables people with limited mobility to get out and about.


We have changed the charity name to Shopmobility Sheffield and we have a new website and address at http://www.shopmobility-sheffield.co.uk

I submitted the new website listing on January 26th and now that i have provided a link within this reply for you, i look forward to us entering your directory.


We will check back in while to check its status.


Kind Regards


Peter Willis


http://www.shopmobility-sheffield.org.uk - Please find the link



I have entered this as a new thread as well as a reply as i do not want any information being missed.

Thanks for pointing this out. Sorry about the missunderstanding.

The category link i have linked to is: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/South_Yorkshire/Sheffield/Society_and_Culture/Disability_Resources/


There is a current entry there listed as: Sheffield ShopMobility - Enabling access in the Sheffield City Centre - and beyond. A charity that enables people with limited mobility to get out and about.


We have changed the charity name to Shopmobility Sheffield and we have a new website and address at http://www.shopmobility-sheffield.co.uk

I submitted the new website listing on January 26th and now that i have provided a link within this reply for you, i look forward to us entering your directory.


We will check back in while to check its status.


Kind Regards


Peter Willis

  • Meta
Neither domain works at the moment. If the new URL begins to work again, please use the "Update listing" link in that category. It is near the top center, right after "suggest URL."
Curlie volunteer meta editor icxcnika

http://www.shopmobility-sheffield.org.uk - Listing Updated



Thanks for that.

The link worked to the category i would like our details changing within.

Once there, i updated our information as you suggested.

I will check back in some while to check our status within the directory.

Thanks for your assistance.


Peter Willis, on behalf of Shopmobility Sheffield.


  • 2 weeks later...

http://www.shopmobility-sheffield.org.uk - ASSISTANCE PLEASE!


Threads merged. Please don't start new ones about the same subject.




I was pleased to see that our new site at the domain: http://www.shopmobility-sheffield.org.uk

was viewable in Google, Yahoo, Lycos, Dogpile etc - in various formats in the top ten.


When the site was checked today, it had dropped out of Google and Lycos.


Could you please check the status of our domain.


We did have an old version of the site at the domain:


which seems to have dropped out of the search engines also.


Do you think that somehow the two have been removed at the same time, as the old one is a dead-link now?


Can you please recheck the standing of our new site in the DMOZ directory and resubmit it if you find it has been removed in some way.


Thankyou for any assistance that you can offer.


Peter Willis (on behalf of Shopmobility Sheffield).


Our Site is listed in the directory - Description changed?



Our site at http://www.shopmobility-sheffield.org.uk is in the directory at:



We have noticed that the description has changed from what we originally submitted.


Would this cause an impact to our listing in the search engines?


Can anyone help us to regain our good showing in the search engines as this will help our charity?




Peter Willis (on behalf of Shopmobility Sheffield).


Descriptions have to be in line with our guidelines which is why the huge majority need to be amended by our editors.


We can't comment on how search engines using our data operate and we have no influence on it.

Peter, I am sorry but this forum is for questions pertaining to the ODP. We have no control over what the search engines do. Nor can we offer you any help in the matter. However, it is very doubtful that any of the search engines have even downloaded the changes in your descriptions yet, since the changes were made less than two weeks ago.

Thanks for the clarification



Thanks for clarification of our query.

We were just not sure about the description issue.

We will have to keep checking our status in the individual search engines and hope we get picked up again.

It is nice to know that all as been done at the DMOZ end and thanks again for your assistance on the matter.

We may have to make adaptions to the site our end as well.


Kind Regards

Peter Willis (on behalf of Shopmobility Sheffield).


We are that charity listed on the Sheffield City Council site



Yes, we are that very charity - listed from our local council's website.

I have noticed the link from this site goes to our now defuncked old site.

Why do you ask? Does this cause a problem?




Peter (on behalf of Shopmobility Sheffield).


Most webmasters concerned about search engine rankings are in a competition with other websites. I wouldn't expect a Shopmobility provider to be in such a situation so I did a quick Google to see if that was so.


It's not unknown for webmasters to provide their content via several different domain names and then try to get us to list more than one of them in an attempt to gain a competitive edge. This behaviour is strictly against our T&C.


Those T&Cs apply to all organisations of course, including charities.


I'm satisfied that we haven't uncovered a problem in your case :) .

  • Meta

For the record (not that it matters a whit to us one way or another): last time I checked, ODP site descriptions did not affect Google search in any way at all. Google has the right to change that, any time, any way they wish.


But it always comes down to the same thing: we're building a directory for surfers. Our description guidelines are designed to help us do the best possible job of that. What someone else does with that content today is -- interesting, but ultimately irrelevant to the main task.


A few points - Sorry



On March 10, 2005 at 08:27 AM i posted a message that indicated our new site was at http://www.shopmobility-sheffield.co.uk , but in fact as indicated many times it is: http://www.shopmobility-sheffield.org.uk

This was my fault and i have seen the latter domain creep into Google. I am sure it will drop out of Google as this domain is not active.

Thought i would mention it as a point of interest.

I would also like to appologise for starting any new thread when i should have replied to the one thread.

Thanks for all assistance.


Peter Willis (on behalf of Shopmobility Sheffield).


Can I edit my replies out of this thread?



Can i edit my replies out of this thread? Does anyone know?

The wrong domain indicated at: March 10, 2005, 08:27 AM

as crept into Google so editing it out might help, but i do not know how to?

If an editor could remove or ammend the post - it would help?

Also, i just thought, the wrong domain is indicated in my last reply so this too may need to be removed or ammended?

Can anyone help and then maybe i resolve any listing problems, although i know now it is the fault of the search engines and not of editors here. Of course, i am to blame for posting this wrong domain (should be a org.uk as we are a charity) in the first place.


Peter Willis (On behalf of Shopmobility Sheffield)

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