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Dear spectregunner,



I am just asking you that if at all possible to check weather the submitted site exits in other catagory or not. Since it was deleted as a duplicate submission with one left unreviewed in another category.


To do that do you need any other information.


Please help me on this.


Thank You

If you are unable to supply the other category or categories to which the site had also been submitted, we would be unable to check it.



Please stop making suggestions of your site to the directory. There is at least one that is working its way through the system. Making more submissions to the same or other categories does nothing to help you get reviewed any quicker, and may well slow down the process even further.


Reviews can take many months or in some cases years, depending on the area of the directory they are submitted. This area is particularly bad in terms of the amount of submissions we have versus the number of editors available to review them.


You really REALLY need to be patient. This is not going to be a quick process.


Now, having said all that, since we weren't able to confirm your other suggestions' status, if you would like to come back for an update, you are welcome to on or after June 5th. Coming back any sooner would not be considered cool.



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