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Tracking the submission of http://PortraitAustralia.com.au

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I submitted http://PortraitAustralia.com.au to dmoz about a month ago. Stupidly I didn't make a note of the submission details (date, category, etc.) and don't want to upset anyone by submitting twice or to different categories.


Can you please tell me if it is possible to find the details of when and which category I submitted to?





  • Meta
We need the submission category to look. Please give us the most appropriate category the site would go in, and we will tell you if it is pending review there. :) (please make the category link clickable)
  • 4 weeks later...
  • Editall/Catmv

Status requests here take time to answer which would (in the opinion of most) be better spent editing. To avoid taking up all the editors' time, we ask that you ask for status no more often than every 6 months.


Any questions?




So the statement "it may take several weeks" in the submission guide should really say months then?


The initial application is over two months now.





  • Editall/Catmv
Where does it say "it may take several weeks"? That's never been accurate, and those who can correct it need to know exactly where it is.

The forum FAQ here says:

The time between submission and an editorial review ranges anywhere from two minutes to over two years.


The submission page says it may take several weeks or more - that's accurate - there is no point to say several months or more since many sites are reviewed within less than a week.


It would help you and us if you read the posting guidelines, the forum FAQ and the submission page carefully, than you won't get answers that you don't consider helpfull.




http://dmoz.org/add.html, -> step 4 -> Procedure After Your Site is Submitted -> "Depending on factors such as the volume of submissions to the particular category, it may take several weeks or more before your submission is reviewed."


Makes it sound like that is a worse case scenario that's all.


Thanks for the help Aru, don't bother replying, I'll chase again in a couple of months.





The initial application is over two months now.


Just for the sake of perspective, I'm working in a category now that has hundreds of sites that are more than two years old. I got most of the 3 year old suggestions done a few months ago.

I think it is highly unlikely to be listed in that category. For a start I see no evidence on the site that you are an Australian business or that you have a physical bricks and mortar presence anywhere. For businesses I usually expect to see an ABN and some form of address on the site - sort of adds credibility though it isn't mandatory. But the idea of handing over money online to a business with no address, no phone number, and no ABN fills me with dread. There are a limited number of online shopping sites that might be listed in the Regional branch (those that deliver only to a domestic market) - yours ain't one of them. So the site is likely to be moved to the Shopping branch in due course. Whether it will ever be listed there is likely to depend on a number of factors - its credibility as a real online business being one of those.



Putting the address, abn etc. is no problem, it will take me 10 seconds and will be there within minutes of posting this.


It is true to say that at the moment the site is just a retail site, however if you read the blurb on the homepage you will see that the next phase of the site (now in dev) is a content managed solution which gives Partner Artists and Partner Organisations the ability to login and add / edit content etc. By doing this and by having a large amount of relevant, textual information about the subject (Australia Arts, Crafts, and Culture) the site becomes far more than just a retail site and more of a portal.




Hi Oneeye,


The requested info is available for viewing. Let me know if you have any other concerns, btw is the fact that we are an online operation with no bricks and mortar store relevant here? Just wondering.


I see we are in a similar line of business, does your Aboriginal Store have an online presence? Maybe we can do business?










The purpose of my last post was two fold:

A legitimate approach to talk business with an individual who's bio suggests we are in similar businesses and from similar backgrounds. Everyone knows not to contact editors privately.

An attempt to highlight, in a subtle and non-accusatory manor, that I may be relying upon a possible competitor to provide the all important listing in dmoz. Is it just me or can anyone else see how the system could be played to keep competitors from being listed? I am not, in any way, suggesting wrong doing of any sort. Just pointing put a gaping potential loophole.


Gary Baxter

Guest gimmster
Everyone knows not to contact editors privately.
Looked like a business proposition to me, not a DMOZ editing matter, which is what this forum exists for. If you want to conduct business, please do it in private.

Is it just me or can anyone else see how the system could be played to keep competitors from being listed?
It's not just you who sees that particular conspiracy, but it's a fallacy based on a lack of understanding of the ODP internal checks and editing permissions.


Every edit is logged, any other editor can see those logs. Categories are not 'allocated' or 'owned', no editor can keep another editor with higher level permissions from editing in a category they are named in. That's any editor from 1 or more branches higher in the tree, not just those with directory wide permissions.



Maybe we can do business?

Sorry, I deal direct with the communities and artists, not through intermediaries.


I may be relying upon a possible competitor to provide the all important listing in dmoz. Is it just me or can anyone else see how the system could be played to keep competitors from being listed?

You might, except my affiliations are properly declared and in my editing "career" will have been checked numerous times by meta editors and by the editor in chief and by Admins to ensure there are no favours or disfavours. As gimmster said, all my edits are open to every editor for scrutiny - it is impossible for me to succeed in blocking competitors without it being picked up, resulting in me being ejected as an editor.


Besides, I don't see anyone as a competitor in this field, only colleagues - I don't do what I do as a commercial venture, I do it because I am an enthusiast and love the art, and want to promote it to the widest possible audience and contribute something back to the artists and their communities. As far as I'm concerned the more sites that promote Aboriginal art the better: I became an editor precisely to build up the category not to block anyone, though I am adept at spotting scams which, as a dealer, you will know is not uncommon in this area.


The positive side is that had I looked at the site and thought it was an instant reject then I would have told you so. I didn't, I said it would probably be moved. I can't say what the final outcome will be, if I eventually review the site I will do so properly and give it all the time it needs to come to a proper conclusion. Equally the same will happen if another editor does the review.

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