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Please do not include our site in DMOZ


Hello and thank you for all your helpful information, you all have been very helpful, although I disagree with your musical aesthetic values...


Please refrain from including our website http://www.concreteforever.com in your DMOZ directory.


Thank you for donating your time




Look, you can have music or don't have music on your site. It's your site. But you asked and people gave you their personal (not editorial) opinions. Don't get mad because you don't like the fact that people don't agree with your take on the whole music thing. As nea said, the music won't affect your review.


I have applied for a position with ODP to assist in editing this site but I was turned down due to "Fluor Daniel not being located in Houston"..(WHICH THEY ARE) and I also recommended Baker Concrete and this person that denied my voluntary editing position said that they also were not in Houston??? (Which they are) Both Businesses together occupy over 168,000 sq ft of office space in Houston and maintain their websites from Houston...Why would I bring that up?...because if your going to be an editor at least do your home work before you make absurd statements and deny willing and qualified people to assist in editing a catagory that is in obvious need of a quality collection of useful websites...
Way to insult the editors who review applications. :mad: As for your suggestions, according to their sites, Baker Concrete is HQed in Ohio and Fluor is HQed in California. While they may both have offices in Houston, neither one would be listable in the Houston category. So it appears the meta who reviewed your application was indeed correct.
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