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It's waiting to be reviewed.


I will also tell you that someone has been repeatedly submitted that site to several different categories. I would guess at least 15 times over the last year. The continued submission of this site is doing nothing except delay it's review and waste editor's time.


At this point the words "abusive spammer" come to mind. If you do not understand why this is bad - please read http://www.dmoz.org/add.html

Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.

Sites submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be rejected or removed.


Please do not resubmit the site.


Thank you.


Thank you for the response.


We (Webvertise) have actually just rebuilt the http://www.elin.ro website 1,5 months ago and we don't know anything about the previous dmoz submissions. We only submited to one category that we considered best describes the sites purpose. We also waited before submitting here.


I'd also like to ask you if there is a way to know if the submission has been rejected. As I understand this bad submission history might also affect our submission and if this happends I would like to know so we can consider a different category to submit the elin.ro website to.


Thank you once again for the answer.


Just to clarify how things work...


Editors will look at submissions on an individual basis. If the site is worthy of a listing, then it will be listed. The only exceptions to this would be if the site has been marked as a spammer of the directory - this has to be pretty extreme, though. I haven't looked at the submission history, but based on bobrat's statement, it doesn't sound like this URL has reached those lofty heights yet.


If, however the URL had been marked as a spammer, then no submissions to other categories will get a different result.


You will get one of two forms of feedback - if it gets listed, you can check the category you submitted to, and see it there. You can find out if it got declined a listing by returning here 6 months from the date of bobrat's answer.


So it is in your interests not to submit again, now that we have the URL as a suggestion.


Hope this helps clarify.

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