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Whois says


Domain name: handmadepaper.com


Registrant Contact:

Salims Paper Organisation

Moin Kagzi (moinskagzi@hotmail.com)


Fax: +91.9414048333

1/282,Gramodyog Road, Sanganer

Jaipur, 303902




Kagzi Handmade Paper Industries

Gramodyog Road, Sanganer

Jaipur, Rajasthan 303902


Addresses and the name Kagzi in common make us believe that they are related.


Our submission guidelines at http://dmoz.org/add.html require that site owners do not suggest related URLs and outline the penalties that can apply. Despite that, both URLs have been suggested to ODP.


In this case, rather than ban both URLs, we've chosen to list one of them and we've chosen which one we'll list.



They are not same, as kagji is a Surname or more precisly it is a community that is engaged in making handmade paper. They are very different from each other but one thing i wont able to understand that how hyperlinks changed without your knowledge.

The Term Salims Paper is associated with http://www.handmadepaper.com and not with kagjipaper

Please place our url back at original position.


The Adress is common because all the industries of making handmade paper in jaipur is located at that place only.

And we handmadepaper.com produce and export paper products more than any one else in world.



Can we will get our place back. Can i have a right to know who is responsible for changing this entry. I thing kagjis must have done this by telling your editors.

Only those with ODP editing permissions can edit ODP directory entries. Nobody else has any capability of or responsibility for doing so. ODP was responsible for making the change.

Here is background information:



"Handmade paper is the Kagzi specialty. In Sanganer, near Jaipur the Kagzi clan preserves the art of hand-made paper.....Today there are about 10 hand-made paper industries in Sanganer, all owned by Kagzis. Of these the largest is Salim Kagzi's Handmade Paper and Board Industries, which singly and exclusively manufactures for the world's markets, paper products worth Rs.10 crores annually."


Thank you very much. I really Appreciates your effort for giving us justice.

I have one more Request as i have just checked that you have Now included kagzipaper.com as "Kagzi Handmade Paper Industries - Producer of handmade paper and stationary in India. Product details and gallery"


and handmadepaper.com as "Salim's Paper - Manufactures handmade paper and paper products in India. Products and history".


But salims paper is not a full name of our website. The Full name of our Website is "Handmade Paper & Board Industries".

Can You Replace salims paper with "Handmade Paper Board Industries" as we are known with this name only.or with "Salim's Handmade Paper Industries".


If This happens then i will be more oblized. and will greatfull to you for my whole life.


Business sites are listed under the name of the firm. It is not clear what the name of this firm is, since the website gives the contact details in one place as "Handmade Paper & Board Industries" and in another as "Salims Paper Private Ltd." The site is registered to "Salims Paper Organisation".


I therefore chose the title "Salims Paper" as the distinctive name, which most easily distinguishes this company from the other paper companies in



I realise that you might prefer the more generic title as it contains keywords, but you have already seen the potential here for confusion! Anything that can be done to reduce the confusion and ensure that no future mix-up occurs seems like a good move, don't you think?

But Salims Paper does'nt specify what our company deals in. Salim's Paper is just nick name as the company is started by MR.SALIM KAGJI. That is the Reason People generaly Call our company as Salims Paper. But All Our Industries Are named as Handmade Paper & Board Industries. And It is our copy writed Name so no other company can use that So it is proper to use only. But If you think that This Will leads to confusions then you may change the Title as "Salim's Handmade Paper & Board Industries", As other company that you have included named as "Kagzi Handmade Paper & Board Industries" But the name by which we are known to world is "Handmade Paper & Board Industries" only So it is more prefered.

How very sensible of your company to have adopted the nickname that people actually use, because it is memorable and distinctive and to have registered that name as a limited company and trade under it as the primary name on the website.


This is not the place for a discussion of the value of branding rather than generic names, but plenty has been written on it.

  • Meta
The ODP listing is the way it is because that was what was preferred by the editor, who is solely responsible for it. Inaccuracies we are happy to hear about, so we can fix; inadequate adulation or unstuffed keywords, we are not concerned about.

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