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privacy-solutions.com removed?

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Re: our site has been removed


That information would tend to be more confidential than not.


[sarcasm] It could be that your site only provides certain "premium" information to non-private individuals. Surely someone wanting to protect privacy wouldn't want to fill in that form on your site... [/sarcasm]


Since ODP is down right now, I can't confirm that your site is really gone from the category at this point. There is a mirror at ch.dmoz.org which is only slightly out of date, but to view the editing logs of the site we will have to wait for the main site to come back up.


Re: our site has been removed


It's back in now. I don't know when you'll see it on the public side, but it's added back on the editor side of things.

Guest query1

Re: our site has been removed


I am grateful you could find the time and restore it.


With kind regards,



Re: our site has been removed


It'll be restored as soon as the "public page" is regenerated. Normally this is an near-instantaneous process, but occasionally it can take a few minutes (sometimes, if the server load is high, even a few hours). Your site will automatically reappear in that category shortly (if it hasn't already).

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