gmlear Posted March 25, 2005 Posted March 25, 2005 Please let me know the status of, submitted Feb 17, 2004 to The Sanctuary is an ocean front resort and spa providing luxurious accommodations on the west coast of Costa Rica.
jimnoble Posted March 25, 2005 Posted March 25, 2005 Your suggestion has been declined. We won't discuss the reasons here but the answer will be found within our Submission Guidelines.
gmlear Posted March 25, 2005 Author Posted March 25, 2005 Jim, Thanks for the quick response. However, I am a bit confused. I read, re-read and read again the Submission Guidlines before I submitted. But I am human and very easliy could have missed something. So I just reviewed them again and I can seem to connect the dots becasue as far as I can see I am in compliance. 1. Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs. I only submitted one URL and the site only has one URL 2.) Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites. Do not disguise your submission and submit the same URL more than once. Example: and I do not have any site listed in DMOZ nor have I submitted anything but the one in question 3.) Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address. We do not do this. The entire site is under one domain/url 4.)The Open Directory has a policy against the inclusion of sites with illegal content. Examples of illegal material include child pornography; libel; material that infringes any intellectual property right; and material that specifically advocates, solicits or abets illegal activity (such as fraud or violence). This is a marketing site for a Resort 5.)Do not submit sites "under construction." Wait until a site is complete before submitting it. Sites that are incomplete, contain "Under Construction" notices, or contain broken graphics or links aren't good candidates for the directory. Every page graphic and link work. There is nothing under construction. 6.)Submit pornographic sites to the appropriate category under Adult. This does not apply 7.) Submit non-English sites to the appropriate category under World. This is an English site with a North America as the target audience. 8.)Don't submit sites consisting largely of affiliate links. There are no affiliate links on this site. Please don't get me wrong. I am not arguing I am just confused. I am totally lost and have no idea what is wrong and I am totally at your mercy. If it is not appropiate to provide guidence here can you point me in a direction other than the Submission Guidelines because I am obviously having a major disconnect there. I plan on submitting many sites in the future and would like to get it right to make everyones life easier. Thanks Again for the quick response.
Meta shadow575 Posted March 25, 2005 Meta Posted March 25, 2005 As Jim said, we will not get into a discussion as to why a site is not listable. It rarely ends well and never accomplishes anything constructive. If it is not appropiate to provide guidence here can you point me in a direction other than the Submission Guidelines because I am obviously having a major disconnect there. But perhaps revisiting the link Jim provided one more time would be a good idea. Within that link you will find a ton of good information regarding site selection criteria, etc. Pay particular attention to the Editing Guidelines section: Sites Generally Not To Include. Ok, that is as good a map as I am willing to provide, the answer to your questions are there I assure you. Before submitting "many other sites", I would make sure they fit the guidelines first. This will prevent a huge waste of time for you and us alike. Hopefully that helps. Shadow *The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of or other editors.* It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place. I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks. _______________________________________________
gmlear Posted March 25, 2005 Author Posted March 25, 2005 Shadow, Thanks for the wink wink. However, I am not sure if you guys realize that is NOT an affilate/Reseller site. It was built and is run by the owners of the resort. The booking info goes directly into our database and handled directly by the resort. There is no reselling here. With 1000's of booking sites I can see where you guys have to be carefull and I can see how this site looks like the same old, same old. But Tropical Property Ventures ownes and opperates the website and the resort. Am I barking up the right tree? Thanks for everything this has been very helpfull. I will make sure any site I submit is 100% ready to go so your time isn't wasted. Thanks again
Meta hutcheson Posted March 25, 2005 Meta Posted March 25, 2005 Repeating for emphasis: do NOT submit sites until you figure out why this site is unlistable. And you should probably figure out why it looks like not just spam but DEVIOUS spam also. You are not helping us; you're wasting our time too. That's not the best way to convince us to help you by giving you more information to enable you to be more devious.
Meta hutcheson Posted March 25, 2005 Meta Posted March 25, 2005 The resort is already listed. Submit an "Update URL" request, and make sure the change of address can be verified at the OLD website.
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