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Guest martin



About two weeks ago I’ve sent an abuse report to kctipton with cc to staff@dmoz.org

Since then some of the reported sites have been removed, some of them where reported by mistake (my), regarding one I’ve discussed in other thread with one of the editors (remained unanswered) but the most important sites that are abusing the category remained untouched.

The sites I’m referring are all licensees of the same manufacture:

And I’ve provided link to prove it.

Half a year ago, one of my customers tried to submit his site. The site was rejected, and when my customer tried to find out on this forum why, he was answered that deferent licensees are same as affiliates “and (the site) not likely to be accepted anywhere”

If proofs are requires, I’ve got screen-shots from the sites offering same games with the same graphic designs that I can upload to my server so you can all judge for your self.

I have only one question:

Why only this specific manufacture can hold more then one site on the same category (no other software manufacture is aloud to do so)?



It's not abuse to not change everything the way you think it should be.

You need to first understand that there is a difference between "abuse" and "not very good editing". Abuse is something you need to contact staff or Meta editors about. and every other editor will have no way of knowing anything about it.


Up until a couple weeks ago I didn't know much of anything about Bingo sites, especially online ones, and didn't have permission to even edit in those categories. Since then I've gone through the various Bingo categories and removed the obvious dead sites, and the obvious online affiliate ones. Whatever changes you have seen in these categories has been because I edited in them and not because of the abuse report because I haven't seen that. I went through the category again before the dmoz hard drive crash the other night and did a little more work there. I think I removed at least one affiliate site then but I can't get into the logs right now to check. Please feel free to look at the category now and send me which sites are clearly affiliates, who they are affiliated to, and most important, a main or parent site for the affiliates. Also a link to any site that lists who is affiliated to whom would be helpful.


But again, this information is just you as somebody who knows something about Bingo offering helpful information to an editor. Anything having to do with alleged abuse should be sent elsewhere.




You might also want to use the private message thingee here since dmoz is still creaking along right now:


Guest martin

I wish there were more ways I could express my appreciation to poker, I know that ODP editors are rewarding each other with title like best editor and such… It seems to me that there should be a way for end users to nominee editors for those rewards.

I believe he show lots of care and professionalism editing in the gambling category.

Although he rejected my site I learn to understand that he did it because he believes my site is not meeting with the ODP guidelines (which I disagree).

He had the patient to explain me (not an easy thing to do) other point of view.

I’ve report about few sites that I believed they abuse the category(affiliate of one software provider). Not just that he removed those sites, he also removed other sites I didn’t report about and add the parent sites of all those sites he removed.

I have to admit I had thoughts in my hurt that there is big conspiracy issue around the gambling category, and there for I own big apologies to kctipton which I suspected him (in my hurt) to be the editor of the abused category - Please accept my humble apologies request.

I’ll keep approve my site until you will find it appropriate to this category.

Thanks, for job well done.


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