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OKAY, I definately need some clarification

I have ready many threads over the past hour




to name only three!!! regarding forwardingurl's and i am still confused, I will shut up if I get an answer that I can understand.

My situation is as follows:

I am a newbie website designer designing sites for people who do not want to spend a great deal of money, so I have set up the following:

I have a hosting package under the main domain http://samos-directory.com, (don't bother going there, since the site is still under construction). anyway I have setup a directory called host, and in there are seperate directories for my clients the one in particular http://www.forsale-building.com is forwarded to http://samos-directory.com/host/universal

I also have another unrelated site that I am waiting to submit to you

the url is http://www.deflys.com, and the site is located at http://www.samos-directory.com/host/deflys

What I need to know is, 'do I have to rethink my business strategy and get individual hosting packages to get these individual sited included on your ODB, or can i submit the forwarding URL?' And if I can submit the forwarding URL, will I still be able to (at some point in the future) be able to submit my own site http://www.samos-directory.com





Guest gimmster

You are seriously confusing terminology

http://www.forsale-building.com is a vanity URL which forwards to http://samos-directory.com/host/universal in this case we would (providing the content was listable) list the latter (http://samos-directory.com/host/universal).


If you offer hosting to individual customers, each of the hosted sites may be considered for a seperate listing (based again on content). [in the same way we consider each geocities site seperatly from it's root]


The root url http://www.samos-directory.com would be considered on it's own merits for a listing of your company.


Note that any 'hosted' sites that are part of your company (ie are not for unrelated companies/entities) would be considered as part of your root url.


Any clearer?



Thanks gimmster, I understand it now, I appreciate your quick response.

One further question, you may know the answer or not: I now understand that ODB does not accept 'vanity URL's', so is there any point in having them? do search engines recognise them?


This will help me plan my future.





Guest gimmster

Sorry, thats an issue with search engine optimisation, which we just don't concern ourselves with here. There are several SEO forums which may help you with this type of issue.


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