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Status request for http://www.worldclassconferencing.com

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Check out our "read before posting" post. And, if your desire led you to spam the directory by submitting to multiple categories, please give us a list of all the categories, so we can clean up the splashes.
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From the

From the Submission Policies and Instructions :

Identify the single best category for your site. The Open Directory has an enormous array of subjects to choose from. You should submit a site to the single most relevant category.


Sites are only listed once in the directory with the exception sites with both Regional and Topical relevence. For more information see also the forum FAQ for additional information.



Per these forums please read:



We need clickable links the category (or apparently categories) where the site was suggested.



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.





Thank you Hutcheson. I've reviewed the read before posting post. I've made only two submissions and I cannot recall the exact date. The first was around September 2004 and the second was in January of 2005. I also cannot recall which category was used at either time, but I do know it would have been within one of these two:





My apologies if this posed a problem.

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