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And as your provide the clickable link also wait at least 1 month after your last suggestion.


And don't start several therads for the same site.


You didn't bother to read our guidelines :mad:

Why do think we have a thread with this title "ATTENTION - Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING"

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


On the contrary I did read the Guidelines several times and I am stll confused as to what to do here. I would really appreciate a kind individual's help. I did not intend to submit "several threads", it was by accident. Please do not assume negative intent.


My website is http://www.mymobilenotary.us


I have tried submission several times, changing title and description, thinking that perhaps the previous ones were not accepted because they were somehow wrong. I have read the guidelines over and over again and appear to be missing something that I'm doing wrong here. Could someone please advise me as to specifically what that is?


I truly appreciate any kind individual's help.

Regards, Karen



I'd love to help but without a clickable link to your chosen category
You have yet to supply a clickable link to the category the guidelines tell you how



Points out you had another thread on the same topic - the guidelines tell you not to do that



And as your provide the clickable link also wait at least 1 month after your last suggestion.
Because you said you had submitted less than two days ago, and the guidelines tell you to wait a month


And don't start several threads for the same site.
As the guidelines tell you not to




I don't know what else to tell you , except that to keep all future communication here, and don't ask for another month, and spend a month figuring out how to make a clickable link - this really is all very simple stuff

  • Meta
How do I make this a clickable link? The is a copy and paste of my address bar.

Thanks for your patience and help. Karen


Sometimes we get a little frustrated when the 10th person has to be told he/she didn't make a statues request in the right way. Most of the times these people are just lazy, sometimes they don't understand our guidelines (for us they are very clear but we as editors have to remember that not everybody is a whizzkid).

Although with this as text in our guidelines

In the body of your post, include the date you last suggested the site as well as clickable links to (1) your site and (2) the dmoz.org category or categories you submitted to. The simplest way to do this is to copy and paste the URL of the ODP category. Please note that all category links must point to pages on dmoz.org, and nowhere else.

I think it is all very clear. Maybe you can help us to make it even more clearly.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Thanks for the clickable category link :)


No information is available at this time but by all means ask again in this same thread any time after 1st May.


Jim Noble:


I really appreciate your kind assistance. I am an editor of another directory that is a little easier to manage than dmoz. I wish this site was a little more user friendly - seems like if you make a mistake here, you can snapped at by others and that's not very comfortable. Again, I appreciate your patience and I hope I've gotten it right this time.




Forums vary on the way they are run, some forums are very understanding and forgiving and everyone helps everyone else. By it's nature this forum cannot run that way. Responses are for the most part limited to editors, and only a small percentage of all ODP editors are willing to spend their time in here, and not every one of those editors is able to answer every question. From previous experience it was found that rigidity in forcing people to follow the posting guidelines was required - otherwise the forum was becoming completely out of control, and we were getting weeks behind in answering.


I can easily tell you that your request if formatted incorrectly, I could even choose to fix it for you, but that would require me to spend more of my time, and we think that posters have a certain responsibility to help us answer the question. Since I cannot actually answer your question [since I do not have access to the category], if I get you to format your question correctly, then that allows another editor to answer it faster.


By comparison, another forum where I post, anyone who posts incorrectly or in the wrong part of the forum, the post simply gets deleted with no answer and an automatic email sent. So here we are more forgiving that that. :)

  • 1 month later...

What editor account???


I'm not sure what you mean. I don't have an editor account here. I'm an editor of another directory but not dmoz.


Is there any way to get an update on my submission? I don't mean to badger on this topic, but I have been lost in this system before, and I know I'm within the time frame to ask for a status at this point.


Thanks, Jurnei




:) :D :monacle: Now what? I haven't gotten an email or any information about navigating through this. Where do I find that out??



  • Editall/Catmv
I can't find my welcome E-mail in my (approximately 1 GB) local mail folders, or I'd forward it. My recollection is that the advice was to read the guidelines ( http://dmoz.org/guidelines/ ) very carefully, edit according to the guidelines, and ask any questions in the Editor forums ( http://forums.dmoz.org/forum/ ) Unfortunately, the forums may not be accessible to you until an admin kicks the forum.
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