techno-com Posted April 6, 2005 Posted April 6, 2005 More than 2 months ago we suggested our site for the categorie "World/Deutsch/Online-Shops/Elektronik/Satellitentechnik/". I know you told a entry could take up to years... But you gave me the chance to ask here what i did now... So could you please tell me about the status !! Thanks from germany (and i hope you know what i mean with my only school english- OK, grandfather was american, so i had 2 schools !!). Tristan Uhde Webmaster P.S. When you don´t have any wishes for entry of our side please tell me how to handle to come in your lists !! On my way through the internet and many search engines or webcataloges i was redirected to your side lots of time. Even when i use Firefox with the "PageRank Update" there is an link to sign in at your side to become that sign beside my PageRank Button.
techno-com Posted April 6, 2005 Author Posted April 6, 2005 Status of (2. question) Just 20 min ago i asked you about our status for entry of .. Just was looking in the forum again and our treat was deleted... I don´t know why...... maybe my english isn´t that good that i didn´t read some parts of your page ... So maybe i have to write again. Could you please tell me about the status of we wanted to be listed on Thanks Tristan Uhde
Alucard Posted April 6, 2005 Posted April 6, 2005 Tristan, The thread wasn't deleted. It's at [edited]removed, as threads are now merged[/editedl].
techno-com Posted April 6, 2005 Author Posted April 6, 2005 100000 sorrys Sometimes people have to go on holidays for relaxing....... Or i will have to take the tomatoes of my eyes (like we say in germany- maybe that wount sound good in english !!?!?)...... After 10 hours before the computer i will need a time out... and right after this mail i will make it !!! Sorry, i didn´t find it at my second visit on the page !!! So, maybe would be better to delete THIS ONE !! It´s not that necessary for the forum here !! Please read this like never writen !!! I will wait for replay in my other treat !! Greeting from germany (where people go home after work right now !!). Tristan Uhde Webmaster
Alucard Posted April 6, 2005 Posted April 6, 2005 No problem. And don't worry about your English - it's better than most people's german (which is "under all pig" ) ! Schoen Feierabend!
Meta kokopeli Posted April 6, 2005 Meta Posted April 6, 2005 It is currently pending review under
techno-com Posted April 7, 2005 Author Posted April 7, 2005 little Problems Thanks for your answer !! But thats really "out of my english".... Does that mean that you have received my wish for entry and that it is in check for taking in ???? Do you have an timestamp how long it will take from "in review" to "taking in" ?? Uff, even now i had to look in my dictinary !!! English lessons are a long time ago and my vocabulary isn´t that good today like it was years ago... Need to go to states again to fit it up. Tristan Uhde Webmaster
Meta pvgool Posted April 7, 2005 Meta Posted April 7, 2005 Yes, it means we have received your suggestion (wish for entry) and that we will look at the site (what we call reviewing). But we can not predict when this review will be done. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
techno-com Posted April 7, 2005 Author Posted April 7, 2005 understood OK, thats the english i like and understand !! Last question: Most "Search Engines" want to see that persons make an entry not just one time. They like entrys every half year.... It is better to do that at your site too or it is enough one time ??? Tristan Uhde Webmaster
Meta pvgool Posted April 7, 2005 Meta Posted April 7, 2005 No, no. Please don't. We are not a search engine. We only need one (1) suggestion for a site. And once a site is listed it will stay listed until the site disappears or has a major change wich would make the site unlistable according to our guidelines. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
Alucard Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Tristan, Ich weiss nicht, ob Du es schon weisst, aber es gibt einen deutschsprachigen forum, wo Du Deiner Fragen auf Deutsch stellen kannst, falls das fuer Dich einfacher ist. Guck mal unter den "World" Rubrick. Vielleicht wird das fuer Dich ein bisschen einfacher. Gruesse! (Translation) Not sure if you know already, but there is a forum in the german language where you can ask your questions if that is easier for you. Look under the Section "World". Maybe that will be easier for you. (End) Of course, if you would rather have a chance to practice your english, that is fine too!
techno-com Posted April 14, 2005 Author Posted April 14, 2005 germany is asking again Hi there, are there soooo many relies to be taken of that an input in the list takes that long ??? Like seen in other postings people are waiting for over one year to get in the list.... I have an Internetshop in germany and all of the other shops (like my business) that are really popular in germany are all in your list... so i´m the last one who isn´t in there (like so ofter in time- but be first is not allways possible). So i allways have problems with such things !! Can ANYBODY tell me about time to be taken in ????? I´m really ..... (what´s the word ?? It´s like " i can´t really wait very good" !!). I asked first time about half an year (i think, didn´t noticed for myself--- didn´t thought it will be so hard to come in !!).... Greetings from germany Tristan Uhde Webmaster Satanlagen Shop ("Sat-Dishes Shop" for my english speaking readers here) TECHNO-COM trading P.S. @bobrat : you can answer in german. I can speak and read this language !!! I think your german is like my english here... and at this time everybody knew what i ment with my postings, so they could read it !! @Alucard's Avatar Alucard : Thanks for the tip... But i will stay here... it´s good for remind my schoolenglish and "grandfatherenglish lessons" !!
Alucard Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Tristan, "ungeduldig" = "impatient" Are you absolutely sure that every single Internet business in Germany is listed in the ODP? If so that is a huge testament to the editors dealing with that part of the directory. My suspicion, though, is that there are many who are not listed yet. The range of time to review goes from 2 minutes up to well over 2 years - and there is absoltuely no way of knowing when an editor will come by to review a particular site. That is the way the ODP works. Sorry that this is such a test of your Geduld, but that is the way it is. Vielen Dank.
techno-com Posted April 14, 2005 Author Posted April 14, 2005 Np, surely YOU are wright !!! I just saw many of the shops i compare mine with !! So, i think you know what i mean, i want mine be listed WITH them !!! Nobody likes to see shops doing same like there own listed in an important list without seeing his own one beside !! So i will have to wait again...... but, like already told, i´m very impatient (just learned a new vocabulary !! Thx). Thanks for replaying so fast... it´s really nice to see such nice (same word in one sentence, but i didn´t knew annother one !!) people here !!! Greetings Tristan Uhde Webmaster SAT-Shop TECHNO-COM trading
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