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However, as you only ship within Australia, the site will not be accepted there. If you ship to all of Australia, it might be moved to http://dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/Australia/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Clothing/ . If you have a presence in your locality, you might also submit to that category, probably http://dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/Australia/Western_Australia/Localities/S/Subiaco/Business_and_Economy/


A suggestion to the Locality category will not interfere with either your existing suggestion or one in Australia Shopping (my first link above).




Thanks Arubin,


On another note, I have now moved the contents of my website up one level -so the contents of my catagory directory /catalog/ now exist at the root directory level.


Due to the presence of the .htaccess file this does not affect viewing but it does now make my original submission to ODP slightly incorrect.


The correct address to index is now simply http://www.jockshop.com.au


Is there somewhere else I need to mention this or contact?




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