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Having recently moved our forum to a new host and server from April 1st we had a few problems encountered along the way, we lost 24,000 posts from our old forum due to problems which will remain confidential....


I have submitted our new forum address to various catergories,and would like to know there status.....

Guest gimmster



If you have changed url's, please use the update listing option in the category in which it is listed.


If you have just suggested the url to a new category, please supply a clickable link to that category, a minimum of 1 month after suggetsing it.


If you have just shotgun spammed the directory, :( by suggesting the site to multiple categories, provide a clickable link to the one category you'd like us to check, again a minimum of 1 month after suggesting the site.




I wonder how you thought an editor would be able to evaluate it when a large part of it is password protected. As you can imagine, editors are very wary about divulging their email addresses which is what they'd have to do to obtain an account.


If you ever resubmit, please create an editor account and give the login details in the description like this [user = whatever PW = whatever]. They won't be published but will expedite processing - which could otherwise take foreever.


Thanks Jim


For your info, i took the action to lock certain areas of the forum after problems with other forums midnight posting episodes,which were crude and disgusting and vulgar.


it was do something positive or loose respect, as you are aware this forum is

purely for visitors with a love of turkey and its fabulous culture, i will in time resubmit to you again as recent viewing figures suggest high visitor numbers

seeking this information that we deliver daily

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