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When did you last suggest the URL? We require you to wait at least 30 days after the last suggestion date before inquiring about a suggested site. Please provide us the date you last suggested it and if it has been over 30 days someone should be able to have a look for you.


which has been submitted to


on several occasions with no response.

Please do not resubmit the site again unless specifically asked to do so by an editor in these forums. Multiple submissions only delay review time by creating uneccessary work for editors. There is never a *response* to suggestions, you simply need to wait the required 30 days and if you would like to know the status you come here (which you did :) ) and ask. Someone will be able to have a look for you.


As for the bad link you have found, there is a forum thread titled

Report Hijacks, Dead Links & Inappropriate ODP Content Here ONLY for you to post them. Someone will have a look and can then clean them up if needed.



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.




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