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I apologized, I do not have the exact date, but I think it was 2-3 weeks ago. I've been really slammed so time on htis is kinda fuzzy.


Best regards - Dustin Macdonald

  • Meta


Please return to this same thread once you are sure that it has been at least 30 days since your submission. You might want to use the “2 weeks ago” mark just to be sure. At that time we would be happy to give you an update on your submission status.

Curlie Meta editor artisands




OK. Thanks for the info. I'll be back in a few weeks.


One more quick question. Is there a dedicated editor for this sections? If so, are you at liberty to divulge their identity or contact info or website? I'd just like to see who it is.


If no editor, what are the requirements to become an editor?

  • Meta

There are no editors dedicated to categories. Think of them as free radicals. Even "editors with specific privileges in a category" can leave quietly, resign, move their focus to another category, etc.


Even aside from ontological imprecision, the question has no practical significance. The vast majority (probably well more than 90% of edits and possibly above 99% of edits) are done by editors who are NOT specifically listed as editors of the affected categories. The reason for this is simple and obvious. An editor who is a named editor on a category automatically has permissions in all its subcategories, so we suggest that each editor only retain listed permissions on the parent category. And ... an editor who is very active in a subcategory will tend to be quickly accepted in the parent category. And so forth, on down the tree. Many of the most active editors are "editalls", free to edit anywhere they think they can do a good job.


The requirements for an editor are: ability (to categorize things and describe them clearly), willingness (to work within the guidelines and the community), and interest in accomplishing the ODP goal -- helping the surfer without concern for remuneration.

  • 1 month later...

Somehow, a thread I started about this has disappeared from this forum. So I thought I'd just bump this thread to see if anone has any news.


Just checking on the update status of the section that used to be here:



...and, yes my submission of http://www.macdonalddesign.com/ as well.


In the (now) ghost thread, someone told me that this section is under redevelopment and I should check back to see the status. They said it would probably resurrect itself in:



So, any news on this? ...and on my mysteriously disappearing post?

  • Meta
Keep in mind, that the postings made in this forum played NO part in the site review and listing. It is just by coincidence that the site was reviewed and listed around the time these posts were made. Just making sure it was clear that the posts that are made here have no effect on review times :) .



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.




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