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Submission status of http://www.weddingtaxi.com/

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Dear Editor,


I submitted http://www.weddingtaxi.com on 7th September 2004 to http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/London/Transport/Taxis/


Upon checking the submission page today, I noticed the following warning:


“This category is ONLY for businesses with offices in more than 1 borough”


I do not recall this warning on the day of submission and would like your guidance on how I should proceed, since the website is still not listed in Dmoz.


The website submitted only has one office, which appears, therefore, to be out of compliance with your above warning.


Please could you advise me as to the status of the above URL. If it has not yet been reviewed then I do not wish to go against guidelines by making a duplicate submission, even another category, unless you advise me that I should.

  • Meta

Just looking into when the last time that category description was edited, it appears that it was modified to its current form a couple of years ago. I do not see any changes having been made recently. Not to worry, we see many incorrectly suggested sites. They are something we handled every day.


That being said you have a couple of options as I see it:

  1. You can be sit back and wait. The reviewing editor will realize that you missed the category guide (it happens and one time will not be too much of a problem) and they will normally just forward it along to the appropriate borough for review.
  2. You could just submit once to the most appropriate category related to your site.



Assuming that you have not suggested the site many times to different categories, one duplicate submission to the single most appropriate category to correct an erroneous one will not have an ill effect. It does create the extra work for the editor moving the originial and the the editor reviewing the duplicates but will not effect the review of the site.


Keep in mind, that you should only resubmit once (if you choose to use option 2) unless specifically asked to resubmit again by an editor in this forum and that you will be eligible to check the status after 30 days from your last suggestion date.


Hope that helps.


[added]Please see Jim's comments below as well, since I have not looked at the site he has given you more information[/added]



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.





From the phone number, you would seem to be based in Crawley or thereabouts - not London at all. However, it's very difficult for us to allocate a website to the correct locality when it doesn't contain a bricks and mortar address....


<added> If you ever add an address, please suggest your site to Horley. </added>


Thank you both very much for the feedback. Since I have made only one submission, for my customers website, I may go for option 2.


With reference to lack of an address. My customer does indeed live in Horley, near Crawley but he is a licensed London taxi driver and his main market is, therefore, London, where he is actually licensed to ply for hire. He can’t have a physical address in London in the form of an office because he plies for hire throughout London.


Because of the nature of his work it could be viewed that he does indeed have a physical presence in more than one London location, although I agree that this is not obvious from his website.


I totally agree that it is always better, for customer assurance, to have a physical address listed and that is always my advice to customers. This customer feels, however, that an address in Crawley, some 30 miles away from London may have a negative impact on the amount of business he receives.


Do you think that lack of an address may have a negative impact when an editor reviews this site? If this is likely to be an issue then I will refer back to customer before resubmitting. However, if he adds an address in Horley, might this not create another problem by making the editor mistakenly feel the website does not belong to a London category location?


The Regional part of our directory is locality based. We list websites in their localities and, if justified, include some information about area covered in the description. That's why I said

If you ever add an address, please suggest your site to Horley

<added> I'm amazed to read that there are wedding taxis plying for hire :) </added>

  • Meta
Just as an attitudinal adjustment tip: anytime a customer thinks telling the truth will hurt business ... you've got worse problems than website promotion.
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