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Submis. status of www.visualizationstudio.com

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The status information about your site isn't available yet. Please come back to this thread in May, and we will be happy to tell you.

reply about submission info


The status information about your site isn't available yet. Please come back to this thread in May, and we will be happy to tell you.


Thanks a lot for info, but

Site submission was made in december 2004.

I just need info is it rejected, and should I submit it again



  • Meta

If you're sure the LAST submittal was in December, you should resubmit, then wait at LEAST another month, and bump this thread to check the status.


If you're not sure, then wait at least a month from now, and bump this thread -- we should have that information by then.


And, if rejected, do NOT resubmit. That's called "vindictive spam"; and your reputation will follow your actions.


submiss status www.visualizationstudio.com


My problem is :

I told the owner to submit to dmoz.org, because I was not so sure in which category?

He told me he has done this, and nothing happens for 4 months. He probably did something wrong, or submit site to more then 1 category. Now I am looking for info what happened. I did optimization of site, I think it is SEFriendly, but dmoz ask manualy text input, so there was mistake I suppose...made by owner of website...


I think I will wait

Thanks everyone

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